I wish I could say-88

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Fifi's Pov

I was a weather creator. I felt like I was flooding the room with my tears. I felt a hand on my head and on my back.

"Ezrayl what are you doing?" Erinn said with sure anger. "She hasn't done anything!"

I guess it was Ezrayl when I was brought close. I could feel the body heat. It radiated off him.


I was crying and staring at my knees. I cried as I watched the blood drip down my legs. My helmet was still on my head but the bike was on its side a few meters away.

"Fi!" I heard someone shout. The voice sounded young and very worried. I heard the footsteps coming closer as the voice holder ran closer. I wasn't focusing on who the voice belonged to or anything else which was going on around me. When the footsteps had stopped I knew that person was next to me. "Fi, I told you it was bad to try to cycle. Fi, you could've at least put warm trousers on." I felt that being whispered in my ear. "Next time Fi don't cycle when it's icy okay?"

I nod. Whoever it is lifts my head up to face their face but my eyes were too blurry to see the face in any detail at all. "Okay." I believed I whispered.

--End Flashback--

"What's happenin' in here!?" Someone from the doorway demanded. "Ezrayl why-" She stopped for a moment. "Whose she?" The only person I'm guessing she could be talking about is me. "Don't say you brought another one in." I struggle to focus on exactly what she means by that. Not sure if it's just the strong accent she's the owner of or my brain just generally being jumbled up.


"Yes?" It was quiet. Barely audible. I had mostly stopped crying by this point.

"Where'd she come from?"

"She was alone and we-I didn't want her to be alone."

"Shoot her." The second those two words, those very powerful words, Ezrayl stood up, leaving me alone on the floor.

"What?" Was she talking about me?

"Ezrayl you are not allowed to objected." There wasn't much of a pause but there definitely was one. "I. Don't. Care." What and who was that pointed at. "Ezrayl this can be a punishment for bringin' that other lad in." The women sighed. "I don't care how ol' she is. Nothin', you could tell me could change my mind." Is she having a one-sided conversation? And what happened to Erinn?

"I don't have my gun with me."

"Then get it!" The mysterious women shouted the millisecond Erinn spoke. Erinn scuttled out of the room as quick as she could.

"Now little girl what's your name?" She says as she steps speedily closer to me. Ezrayl by this time has gone against the wall to my left.

How do I tell this person I'm mute and have been since I was seven. Well, I started talking less and less since what happened. I still wonder why Jo became so against me. She used to be my best friend. They thought to make me move schools too late. Maybe they could've saved me going mute. I used to think it was the only way then. There was a time where I quite liked it but now I realize it's just a barrier. I wish I could remind my mouth how to speak. How to form words.

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