Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:
My name is Bailey Maree Dallas. I live in Chino Hills California with my mom, older brother Cameron, and older sister Sierra.

My life is pretty normal actually. I go to school and hangout with friends just like any other 17 year old girl does. But, one thing that isn't normal is that my older brother Cameron, is pretty big on social media.

He has lots of followers on vine, twitter and Instagram. Not to mention all the teenage girls drooling over him.

*Real Time*
"Bailey! I hope you're ready we have to leave in 10 minutes!" I heard a voice echoing from downstairs. It was Cameron's.

I didn't answer I just continued packing my mint green suitcase. It was a pretty good sized suitcase and it was packed full along with two other bags. What can I say? I'm a girl. I practically pack my entire room.

I was packing for magcon Miami. Since Cameron started getting big on the internet, I decided to try it out myself, and now it's got me here traveling with a convention called magcon.

It's always my favorite time of the month, I love traveling with the guys. They're like brothers to me. Except one of them. Matthew. Ugh Matthew is my crush, always has been. But, he doesn't know it yet. I don't even think he likes me back, plus I'm his best friends little sister so I can see how that would be awkward.

"Bailey!" I heard Cameron yell again from downstairs. I hurriedly picked up all my bags and struggled to get them down the stairs. Once Cameron noticed me having a hard time with my bags, he speed walked over to the bottom of the stairs to help me. He was so sweet, always doing things like that.

"You look beautiful as always" Cameron said looking me up and down. I looked down at my floral hollister sun dress and flattened the front of it with my hands. I paired it with some white sandals and I had curled my hair in soft waves. I didn't wear much makeup, only some eyeliner and mascara. Sometimes eyeshadow.

"You don't look bad yourself" I returned the compliment with a smile. Sierra looked at us and I remembered that we were gonna be late for our flight if we didn't hurry. I walked over to the counter where there were bananas and grabbed two. One for me, one for Cameron. I kissed my mother on the cheek and said goodbye, I knew I wouldn't see her for about a week.

The car ride to the airport was like any other Dallas family car ride. Sierra driving rocking out to her Beyoncé CD. Cam in the passenger seat on his phone eating his banana slowly, and then me in the back seat zoning out as usual. I hadn't seen Matthew in three weeks and I couldn't wait. I loved being around him, everything seemed to be so much better when we were together.

After we arrived at the airport we went through the usual baggage procedure and then boarded our plane.

*after arriving in miami*

Cameron and I walked the hallways of the airport in Miami waiting for the call letting us know someone was here to pick us up. We turned a couple times and then I spotted Taylor.

"TAYLOR!" I yelled. To be honest I may have had a little bit of a crush on Taylor but I knew he was older so I'm sure he would never be into me. He opened his arms inviting me to hug him and I ran and jump hugged him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He kissed me on the cheek and whispered,

"I missed you" in my ear before putting me down. Cameron looked at us weird when Taylor turned to greet him. Cameron was way to protective over me. He thought any time I even looked at a boy he was gonna try to have sex with me or something. I mean, I know he's my big brother and all but sometimes he had the wrong idea.

By this time it was pretty late at night and we finally got a call letting us know the limo was here to pick us up and bring us back to the hotel.

We arrived at the hotel and Cam checked us in. Even though he was only 2 years older than me, he always took charge.

Once we got our room keys we noticed that the boys were already there. I went through and greeted everyone by hugging them tightly. First Gillinsky, then Dillon, then Hayes, Aaron, and lastly Matthew. He leaned in and hugged me tightly, lifting me off the ground slightly and whispered,

"So glad to see you." Quietly in my ear. His voice gave me chills. I think I was more glad to see him. Of course know one knew that. Except my best friend Kaylen. Speaking of Kaylen where are her and Nash?

"Hey guys where's Nash and Kaylen?" I asked looking around at all their faces. Kaylen and Nash have been dating since we started touring together. They were the cutest couple ever, I'd always wanted a relationship like theirs. I had always been jealous of Kaylen having the perfect boyfriend. Well, perfect for her, I wasn't really into Nash all that much.

"They're still downstairs, they had a problem checking into their room for some reason." Jack Johnson said.

"Oh okay. Oh yeah and who's sharing rooms with who?" I said chirpilly.
They all mumbled to themselves figuring who was with who. Then Matthew approached me.
"Looks like me and you are together Bay." He said, a smile growing on his face.

Oh my god? Is this really happening? Am I seriously sharing a room with Matthew? What if I do something stupid and he thinks I'm weird? Oh well who cares I'm sharing a room with Matthew! I snapped myself out of my thoughts.

"Okay great." I said with a warm smile. Matt helped me with my bags and we made our way back to our hotel room. When we got into the room I checked alarm clock sitting on the nightstand in between the two beds. It read 1:30 am.

"I think I'm gonna get changed and ready for bed." I said looking towards Matthew.

"Okay, I think I will too." He agreed. I grabbed some leggings and my Cameron Dallas hoodie and walked into our bathroom. As I was undressing I heard a knock on the door and it made me jump.

"Hey Bay, I'm kinda hungry. Wanna run to Taco Bell with me when you're done?" It was Matthew's voice I was hearing through the door. I loved when matt called me "Bay" it was his nickname for me. Short for bailey. But Taco Bell sounded good. Even if it was me and him alone...that might be a little weird. We don't really do things alone.

"Yeah sure, that sounds great matt. Be out in a sec ok?" I replied, pulling on my leggings and hoodie.

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