Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:
*after magcon*
We were all exhausted after magcon. I love meeting the fans but it was extremely tiring. Cameron was shooting me dirty looks all day because I was spending a lot of time with Matt. It was annoying how much he worried about me.

We rode back to the limo all together and I must have fallen asleep on Matthew's shoulder because Cameron shook me awake and motioned for me to sit up. I gave him a look that said, 'Okay. Jeez.' I find myself giving him that look a lot.

Soon we were back to the hotel and being pretty late at night we all went Back to our rooms. When I slid my key in through the slot in the door, I opened it to find something unusual.

It was Taylor sitting on the edge of my bed on his phone, probably scrolling through twitter or something.

"Oh...hi Tay." I said, setting my purse on the floor and wondering what the hell was going on.

"Hey, come here, sit." He said patting the bed sheets beside him suggesting for me to sit next to him.

I did as he asked and plopped down where he had recently patted. Then I looked at him as if asking 'is something wrong?'

"Look, Cam really doesn't want you sharing a room with Matt anymore. He says he has a feeling something bad is gonna happen."

"God who does he think he is? I'm not a baby anymore! I can do things myself like seriously. If I want to sleep in a boys bed, I can." I fumed. Wow. That came out fast.

"Bailey, calm down. I'm just letting you know that he doesn't like the idea, and is probably gonna keep an extra eye on y'all okay?" He said, calming me down a little.

I just nodded slowly and tried to keep my anger to myself. I needed to find a way to show Cameron that he didn't own me, and that I was a big girl now. Taylor just exited the room and at the same time Matthew walked in.

"You okay Bay, ya look a little frazzled." Matt said, cupping my face with his hand.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Cameron is just pissing me off. And he sent Taylor in to translate instead of telling me himself. Maybe he should grow some balls." I said, still angry.

Matthew pulled me in for a tight hug and I listened to his heart beat as my head was shoved into his warm chest. No matter what, he always made me feel more protected and special than Cam ever has.

I pulled away slightly, looked up at him, and smiled. He rubbed my back up and down a couple times and then kissed me on the cheek, letting me know it will be okay. For some reason, it was extremely comforting.

Right after pulled apart we were still looking into each other's eyes and we heard Nash and Kaylen walk into our open hotel room door. Why were we always leaving that open?

"Hey guys we're going down to the hotel pool to cool off. Wanna join?" Kaylen asked, her had in Nash's.

I checked my phone. It was only 12:30am.

"Yeah sure, let us get changed and we'll meet y'all down there." Matthew answered for us. With that Kaylen and Nash walked out of our doorway laughing and holding hands. God they were so cute! Why couldn't I have a relationship like that?

I don't even think anyone likes me, like me and Matthew are good friends I guess. Even though I'm secretly in love with him. Only me and kaylen know that though.

*Matthew's POV*

I didn't even want to give Bailey the chance to decline Kaylen and Nash's offer so I just answered for her. She didn't seem to mind.

I really wish Cameron wasn't so protective over her. I liked her so much, more than I have any girl before. She's so beautiful inside and out. Her long dark brown hair nearly reaching her butt, big brown eyes and long eyelashes. She wasn't all that tall, maybe 5'4". Which was quite a bit of a height difference from me, being 5'10"

She had the best sense of style too, like she didn't even have to try and she looked perfect. The inside though, was what really mattered. And her personality glowed like no one else's.

She was sweet and charismatic like Cameron, a little sassy, had a great sense of humor, and was so spontaneous. Which I loved. I loved the way she would just up and go to Taco Bell at 2am, or go penny boarding with me whenever I brought it up.

She snapped me out of my thoughts when I heard her voice.

"Ya wanna get changed Matt?" She asked grabbing a coral bikini out of her suitcase.

"Oh yeah, sorry I was zoning out. I do that a lot." I said with a laugh, trying to play it off. She laughed thank god.

"Okay imma go change." She said heading off into the bathroom.

*Bailey's POV*
I just grabbed one of my coral bikinis from my suitcase to change into. It made me look even tanner than I already was so that was a plus. I kinda had a thing for swimsuits. Same with bandanas, I had way to many of them.

When I was finished changing I walked out of the bathroom and threw on one of my oversized see-through sweaters as a coverup, and put my long hair into a high ponytail to get it out of the way.

"Beautiful." Matthew uttered after staring at me for a while. I smiled and laughed a little at how dorky he was.

"Well thanks." I replied, adding "you look hot" I felt like I was drooling a little over him.

We headed down to the pool where we were meeting Kaylen and Nash. When we appeared they were already in the water making googly eyes at each other. Matt slid the key through the door so we could get in and I took my coverup off as soon as we got through the doors. Matt was already shirtless(shirtless Matthew was my drug) so he jumped straight in.

I hesitated to get into the water, I always hated the initial contact of the water, it was always cold. So while I thought about it and watched the other three play in the water I sat on one of chairs by the pool, and pulled my phone out to scroll through twitter.

I was so concentrated on my phone that I didn't see Matt get out of the pool and make his way over to me.

"Aren't you gonna get in?" He asked, with big eyes just like a kid.

"Ehh" I teased him. Next thing I knew he grabbed me. He was extremely strong, me being 120 pounds. I wrapped my kegs around his waist holding on for dear life when he suddenly jumped into the cold water, me still clinging onto him.

We separated once we were in the water and I playfully splashed him with water to get him back for what he had done. He splashed me back, and we continued with a little splashing war until our breathing finally steadied and we just stood there, our eyes intensely locked.

Then, Matt leaned in. Yes. Finally I'm getting what I've always wanted. My lips against Matthew's. Maybe he did feel the same way, maybe he liked me back! I leaned in also and then bam.

I felt his soft, full lips against mine, brushing against each other. I'd waited so long for this, and it was finally happening. Imagine if Cameron were here. He would probably kill us both.

I broke away slowly and Matt shined me a bright smile, he looked like a little kid who just got his first kiss. I probably looked the same, I was so happy inside.


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