Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

After a few hours if just hanging out and messing around at the hotel i decided it was time to get ready for tonight. I went to my suitcase to find something to wear. I picked out a black dress that had short sleeves and a scoop neck. It flared out at the bottom. I paired it with some black heels and a gold and white statement necklace.

I curled my hair nicely in soft waves, and put on darker eyeshadow along with eyeliner and mascara. I had to admit, I actually did look nice for once. Finally I walked out of the bathroom to find some lotion and deodorant.

"You" I heard Matthew awkwardly mutter. I laughed and looked up at him after I picked the deodorant up from my bag.

"Thank you. You look good too." I replied. It was true, he was wearing his maroon button down vans shirt with a pair of khakis and his black vans. He smiled and walked up to me, grabbing both of my hands.

"How about we forget the club and just stay here tonight?" Matthew whispered into my neck. He was trying to turn me on but it wasn't working. I was too excited to go out and dance, laugh, and take my mind off everything.

"M mm m." I said, waving my finger at him as if he was a little kid. He made a pouty face at me.

"Come on Espinosa let's go find the rest of the crew and get this show in the road." I said, and pulled him out the door with me.

I lead us to Nash and kaylen's room. Hopefully they were done getting it on by now. I knocked lightly on their hotel room door and a few seconds later kaylen answered the door, looking gorgeous as usual.

She had on a royal blue dress with tank top width selves that were made of see through material. The dress was slim down her body and ended a little a over her knee. She had on a black necklace and even thought she was tall enough without them, black velvet heels. She straightened her long brown hair.

"Ah! You look so beautiful!" I said excitedly, hugging her. Nash came up behind her, resting his large hands on both of her shoulders.

"We ready?" He asked.

"Yep. Just gotta pick up the rest of the gang." I replied.

With that we continued further down the hallway. Luckily we all ended up on the same floor. I didn't even bother to knock on Cameron's door I just jiggled the door knob furiously and yelled

"Hurry up Cam!" Through the door. He quickly stepped out with Taylor following behind him. They both looked nice. As soon as we got everyone together we made our way to the limo so it could take us to the club. I was super excited, it sounded like so much fun.


It was so much fun laughing and dancing with all of them. They were honestly the best group of friends I could ask for. I recognized a lot of the songs. Most of them were mashups and remixes of popular songs.

There was a small VIP room that I had noticed towards the back of the club. I didn't have a pass, but living with Cameron when he was younger had it's advantages. He taught me how to sneak into just about anywhere.

I opened the door into it while the guard was probably taking a bathroom break. As I walked in, I noticed several things. There were other separate rooms as well as the main room that had exclusive drinks and such.

The first door to my right looked promising so I decided to open and she what was inside. I wish I had never did.

The first person I saw was Matthew. He was sat on the couch in the room. He was focused on a girl who had her back turned to me who was also in the room, she had only her bra and panties on.

I didn't recognize her at first but then I knew. It was Chelsea. That bitch.

She tried to get with cam, I got in the way. She tried to threaten me, I have cam and Matthew to protect me. But now, she's going for one of the only things I care about other than Cameron and Kaylen. My baby.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I yelled loudly. Quickly drawing both of their heads toward me. Chelsea looked at me with that evil little smirk of hers. Matthew immediently started to panic.

"Oh don't worry bailey, were just having a little fun." Chelsea said, she sounded like the devil. Hell, she was the devil.

"Bailey..." Matthew whispered. As if he was apoligizing for that he knew I was thinking. As if he were saying please, it's not what it looks like. As if I actually cared. I knew exactly what was going on and I didn't want to even think about it. With that I left the room quickly.

To my surprise, matt wasn't following my footsteps behind me. This only made me even more angry and hurt. As I stormed down the hallway a thought tossed my mind. Matthew obviously didn't care about me, so why should I care about him? A smirk formed across my face as I thought about my next move.

I ventured the club and soon found Taylor leaned up against a wall zoning out. I approached him slowly and made intense eye contact.

"Let's get out of here." I said biting my lip. I knew Taylor wasn't going to deny my offer considering I've teased him for so long. The difference between then and now is that Matthew isn't here to get in the way of our fun.

I led Taylor out of the club and we walked back to the hotel. I was ready to get both matt and Chelsea out of my mind.

Soon we reached the hotel doors and we both knew exactly where we going, and what we were doing. We made our way up to my hotel room, and immediently started taking our clothes off. It was like everything was in fast motion.

We layed on the bed, and then everything started.

*a while later*

As we layed there, silent after what we had done, I was in deep thought. Taylor was asleep already, I looked over at him, then started stating at the wall again and continued thinking to myself.

Tonight was a mix of emotions. In fact I was still confused as to what I was feeling. As I layed there I thought,

1. I had just lost my virginity to Taylor Caniff

2. I'm pissed at Matthew

And 3,

I just let Chelsea win. I can't believe this. I let her win, I let her get to me. I just cheated on Matthew on the mere thought that he was about to cheat on, which thinking back on it he probably didn't considering I walked in.

What had I just done? I may have just messed everything up. Before I could think much longer I drifted off to sleep.


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