Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:
*Bailey's POV*
Last night was really weird. First me and matt almost did it, (oh my god why did carter have to walk in?) and then Cam found out and I still don't know what he said to Matthew.

I got up out of the bed I was sharing with Matt and headed to the bathroom to splash some water on my face so I would be a little more awake. I jumped a little when I felt cold hands wrapped around my lower stomach. I looked up I the big mirror covering the bathroom wall to see it was Matt with his hair in a mess and his shirt off.

"Oh hey. Looks like you're still in one peice." I said, referring to his conversation with Cameron last night, hoping he would tell me about it.

"Actually, it went well. He even uh, told me something." He said looking down at the floor shyly.

"Hmm..what was that?" I asked, leaning my head back and resting it on his shoulder as I watched us in the mirror.

"He told me he was okay if were together. So like, you could he my girlfriend and he would be fine with it. That is, if you want." He said. My first though was Uhm yeah. Of course I wanna be his girlfriend! But my second thought was...what about Taylor?

Then I remembered my promise to myself. Whoever confronted me first I would consider. And it was matt.

"How could I say no?" I replied. Matthew turned me around and kissed me. I could get used to his kisses. They were so soft and sweet, it was like nothing else I've ever felt before.

"I'm glad to hear that, because now I don't just think I'm in lobe with you, I know I'm in love with you." He said. It took everything I had to not burst into tears. No boy had ever been that sweet to me before, much less my dream guy.

"I know I'm in love with you too. I've been sure of it for a while now though." I replied. He grabbed both of my hands in his and kissed me lightly.

"Now come on, let's get dressed, we have a big day planned with the crew." Matt said,

"Ooh yay!" I said jumping up and down a little.

"You're cute." Matt said, smiling that goofy smile he always does.

"No you're cute." I replied, mocking him with his smile. Even though I smiled the exact same way even when I wasn't trying.

"Go get dressed." He said playfully, tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"Says you! You're the one with your shirt off! You thot!" I said, teasing him back.

"Hey don't call me a thot!" He teased. Then unexpectedly he picked me up wedding style and carried me back into the main part of our room.

"Matt! Matt put me down!" I yelled, laughing and kicking my legs.

"Not until you apoligize for calling me a thot!" He yelled back.


"Hmm..guess you'll have to pay then!" He said as he grabbed both of my arms and pinned me down on the floor.

"Let me go!" I said, laughing and struggling trying to get out of his grip.

"Apologize" he simply said

"Never" I replied

"You're stubborn aren't You!" He said, tightening his grip. Then he picked me up again, and pushed me against the wall this time, still holding his tight grasp on my wrists.

"Apoligize" he whispered breathily in my ear. That was my weakness. He drive me crazy. I was madly in love with him.

"I'm sorry matt"

"Sorry for what?" He moved his lips down to my neck, still whispering. I felt this breath on my neck and died a little inside.

"Sorry for calling you a thot." I whispered back. He kissed me once quickly on my neck, teasing me. He needed to stop that. I couldn't take any more teasing. He released his grip on my wrists And stepped back from where he had his body pressed against mine on the wall.

"Seriously though, were gonna be late meeting the guys if we don't hurry." He said. I just laughed a little and finally started getting ready.

*after getting ready*

Matthew and I walked hand and hand through the hallways until we reached Kaylen and Nash's room. The door was cracked so we decided to open to and see if they were ready yet. But we regretted that decision after we saw what was behind the door.

Nash was naked and Kaylen only had a t shirt and underwear on and they were on the bed, making out.

"Haha! Guess we're not the only ones getting frisky lately!" Matt yelled out. Nash's face turned bright red and I could tell Kaylen was extremely embarrassed too. I just laughed and shut their room door.

"Damn. I feel bad now! Nash was about to get lucky!" Matt said still laughing.

"Ew I can't believe I saw Nash naked!"I said, laughing more.

"At least kaylen was decent." Matt said.

"Yeah thank god." I said, laughing again.

Then we knocked on Cam and Taylor's door. Hopefully they weren't doing it too.

Taylor opened the door with only a towel on. Oh my god why? Why did Taylor have to have a perfect v line?

"Oh hey guys." Taylor said blankly. He sounded hurt. And the look on his face said the same thing.

"Hey, we're just uh..checking on you guys to see if...uh yiu guys are uh..." Couldn't even talk as I stared at Taylor's body. Eventually I just gave up and kept staring. Matt was just standing there with a look of disbelief.

"What Bailey's trying to say is that were just seeing if y'all are ready yet." Matt said, interrupting my from my staring contest with Taylor's abs.

"Yeah. That." I said. Felling a little bit guilty that matt just saw me checking Taylor out.

"Oh well were still about 20 minutes away. Same with everyone else I think but how bout y'all head down to the beach, we'll all meet you down there." Taylor said.

"Okay sounds good!" I said excitedly. We continued to walk down the hallway and all I could think about was Taylor's abs.

"What the hell was that?" Matt asked, looking at me.

"What the hell was what?" I asked, playing dumb.

"You were totally checking Taylor out!" He said, loudly I might add.

"I know. I'm sorry I just..." I trailed off, thinking of Taylor's abs again.

"But I love you, not him. And that's what matters." I said. Wow. Good save bailey. Matt just smiled and grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight.

*after everyone showed up at the beach* Hayes and Matt were off penny boarding and me cam and Taylor were walking down a boardwalk when I saw a face I wasn't happy to see. Chelsea.


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