Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:
*at magcon*
*Bailey's POV*
Magcon was super fun so far. A couple of fans annoyingly asked if me and Matt were a 'thing' god damn those boys for posting those pictures and vines.

Other than that it had been a pretty good time. Until now.

I spotted some one in the crowd, she was front row and yelling Cameron's name constantly so it wasn't too hard to pick her out. I recognized her, her face was all too familiar. What was she doing here?

It was Chelsea, one of the girls Cameron hooked up with when he went through his 'rebellious' phase. But, unlike all those other girls he played, she was absolutely physco. She was obsessed with Cameron, but she was evil and we didn't want anything to do with her.

Sure she was pretty but behind all that makeup, hairspray and high heels was a total bitch who did everything she could to make Cameron's life a living hell. I looked over at Cam, it didn't look like he had noticed her. Well, he would when she went up to 'meet' him.

*Cameron's POV*

After being on stage for a while it was finally meet and greet time, my favorite part. All my fans were so beautiful and supportive, I couldn't ask for any better.

Oh god. Is that Chelsea? Shit. Why is she here? Oh my god I think I'm freaking out. Chelsea was the last person I wanted to see. Ever. Much less at a place where I'm usually in a good mood. I'm sure I wouldn't be after talking to her. She was next in line to meet me.

Even though it made me sick, I hugged her and she talked to me. But I didn't answer, only nodded. I didn't want anyone to record us talking and me get a bad reputation.

"Hi Cameron, so nice to see you baby." Her words felt like daggers when they traveled to my ears.

"Maybe we should replay what happened that one night. Remember? A couple years ago?" She whispered again, moving her hand over my junk. I slapped it away. She disgusted me. I would never hook up or even be around her. Willingly anyway.

"Hmm I see you're playing hard to get baby. Maybe we should go somewhere more private." She continued whispering, and now moved her lips down to my neck. Ew.

"Stay the hell away from me" I whispered to her, and pushed her along, inviting the
next fan into my arms. She kept looking back at me until she couldn't anymore. I knew this wouldn't be the end of her.

*Bailey's POV*

As soon as the event was over I hurried over to Cameron.

"Did you see the devil or was that just me?" I asked tapping him I the shoulder.

"No I saw her." Cameron's jaw clenched, I could tell he wasn't happy about it.

"Yeah well she knows what city we're now." I said

"I know, and that's not a good thing. We're staying in Miami extra days."

"What? Why?" We didn't usually stay extra time in cities.

"I don't know for sure, Bart said it would be a good idea because we were all having such a great time." Cameron replied, still making intense eye contact with me.

"Well that might all change with Chelsea in the picture." I knew she would do something to ruin the trip, she always found a way to screw with us.

*after magcon*

We all decided to go shopping at one of the malls close to the beach. I loved shopping, plus I needed a little girl time with Kaylen. When you spend all your time with guys, it's nice to hang out just girl to girl.

Mrs. Espinosa-A Matthew Espinosa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now