Chapter 16

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I woke up but it didn't feel like morning, I rolled over in my bed and checked the time on my phone.

1:55 am

After that I couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to go into the kitchen, heat up some soup and watch some Netflix. That's what I always did when I was sad but this time I didn't have Matthew to share bites of my soup with or laugh at all the funny parts of the show, and it kind of killed me inside.

Truth be told(and I know this sounds ridiculous)but this was the longest Matther and I had gone without being with each other since we started dating and I couldn't help but wonder if he was feeling as hurt as I was.

*Matthew's POV*

After blowing up at Bailey and Taylor I really didn't have many options on where to stay so I decided to ask my good friend Curtis Lepore if I could stay with him for a couple nights. I explained the whole situation with him and he nodded and understood, best he could of course.

But as I explained I realized something; I was missing Bailey so much. I missed the cute way she scrunched her little freckled nose up when she was teasing me, the way she smelled and the way she would always get up first and make us tea in the morning,

"I miss her." I said, not really noticing I had said it out loud until afterward.

"I know man, it's okay. I understand." Curtis replied, giving me a slight pat on the back.

"No but dude I fucked up. She probably hates me now, thinks I'm a selfish idiot." I spoke again.

"I doubt she thinks that. She's probably confused too, for god's sake shes pregnant at 17 years old and not even dating the man who's the father of the baby." Curtis replied.

"Yeah but Curt I left her. I left her all alone in a time that she needed me most I have to go talk to her." I said.

"Bro it's 2 in the morning." Curtis pointed out.

"I know." I replied blankly and left his apartment. I knew that I had to set things right with Bailey.

*Bailey's POV*

I had heated up some 'Italian Wedding Style' soup and turned on some rerun episodes of How I Met Your Mother and was sitting on the couch in the lounge area of our apartment. Even though I was trying my hardest to keep Matthew off my mind, he was all I could think about.

I heard someone walk through the back door, we always kept that one open. And I started to panic. No one should be coming into our apartment right now, as far as I know everyone's asleep. It was dark in the apartment so all I could make out was a figure.

"You sad?" I heard a familiar voice ask. 

"I know you always do this when you're sad." Matthew said.

"I-Im really sad. I miss you so much baby." I replied, trying my hardest not to burst into tears but I could feel them coming.

"I miss you too. That's why I came back. I'm sorry Bay I shouldn't have left you at a time when you needed me most. I need to grow up and get a reality check. I can't help that I love you no matter what and to be honest I woudn't have it any other way. Do you still love me the way I love you?" 

"Of course I do Matthew I never stopped loving you. I know I messed up and I wish I could take it back but I can't. I think...I think i'm going to get an abortion." I said, looking at Matt intently.

"Bailey are you sure? This is a tough decision." Matthew replied, now moving to where I was on the couch.

"I'm 17, Taylor is only 18. There's no way we're going to be able to raise a child and I know that I want to be a great mother one day but today is not that day. It's a hard thing to choose but I've put a lot of thought into it and I think it's best for everybody." I confessed.

"I respect your decision and I agree. Sometimes life throws a curve ball at us but you have to just keep swinging." Matthew replied.

"I missed you and your wisdom." I said playfully lightening the mood.

Matthew kissed me softly and then pulled away.

"Italian Wedding?" He asked, referring to the taste in my mouth. I nodded and went back to kissing him. We layed there on the couch making out for a while when we heard footsteps coming from the staircase. 

Cameron walked out, shirtless and in his boxers. Ew he needed to put some clothes on.

"Bailey what the fu-" He started and then saw Matthew and I together and smiled widely. After that he turned around and returned to his bedroom, shutting the door lightly behind him.

Matthew and I smiled at each other. We cuddled until we both fell asleep. 


Hey guys! Wow 470 reads! Thank you! It may not seem like much to some but its plenty for me:)

Love you guys and hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

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