Chapter 19

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*Bailey's POV*

"Matthew, Matthew hurry Taylor is hurt." I yelled, sobbing uncontrollably and grabbing my keys, wallet and phone off the counter. I jumped into my car before Matthew was even out of the house.

All I could think about was if Taylor was okay, I guess I cared about him more than I had thought. My blood was pumping and I felt sick. If he were to get seriously hurt or...even die I don't know what I would do with myself.

"C'mon!" I nearly yelled at Matt as he was getting into the passenger seat of my Ford.

"Okay, okay Bailey calm down everything's gonna be fine." Matthew said and it really pissed me off.

"What if it's not?! What if Taylor isn't okay?! What if he's fucking dying and all you can say is 'it's gonna be okay?' What if he needs support? Goddammit Matt this is the father of my child." I yelled loudly as I sped out of the driveway.

"I thought you weren't keeping the baby?" Matt said, looking at me intently. 

"Yeah well I thought about it again. There's other options." I said.

"Other options like what? Leave me for Taylor? Make me raise a kid that's not mine?" Matthew said, raising his voice.

"I'm not making you do shit Matthew. It's my body and I'll do what I want. All this time I've felt pressured because of you and I can't handle it. Taylor wants me to keep it and to be honest, so do I."

"He only wants you to keep it so he can bang you again. That's all he cares about." Matt yelled. Oh no he did not just say that.

"REALLY? HE JUST WANTS TO 'BANG' ME? For your information Taylor does care about me. I seem to mean a lot more to him than I do to you. At least he doesn't say shit like you say to me. I'm so sick of you Matthew Lee Espinosa. I really am. I can't believe I ever fell in love with you."

With that, Matt finally shut up. And so did I. It stayed like that for the rest of the car trip and as soon as we parked outside the emergency room of the hospital I ran-not jogged-ran through the front doors.

"I'm here to see Mr. Taylor Caniff." I said, letting a long breath escape from my mouth. 

The nurse showed me to his room and despite the speed I was traveling earlier I slowed down and knocked. 

He answered with a muffled "Come in." It killed me to hear him like that. He was always so full of life and he sounded-empty. Hurt.

I opened the door slowly and saw him lying there on the bed, one arm and a foot in a cast, head bandaged and what looked like a pretty insane black eye. 

"Oh-Oh my god Taylor." I said quietly as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Don't cry babe." He replied with a pained and weak smile. "I'm okay now. I have you here."

I smiled at those words. How can you not fall in love with that? Even in a time when he himself is injured and in pain, he still thinks of me. 

"Taylor I have something to tell you." I said, taking a seat on one of the chairs by his bedside. I scootched the chair closer to where Taylor was and grabbed his cold clammy hands.

"I'm keeping the baby." I said.

His face lit up. 

"You're keeping it? I'm gonna have a kid?" He said, his words clearer now.

"Yes, Taylor. We're having a kid." I replied, and smiled at him. I finally felt comfortable with this situation. 

'And...Matthew and I kind of broke up." I said.

"Bailey I'm sorry I-" Taylor started before I cut him off. 

"No please, don't be sorry. There's no reason to be." I said. 

Right then Matthew burst through the door. 

"How ya doin' buddy?' He asked, directed towards Tay.

"I'm good man. I'm having a baby!" Taylor replied. 

"Congratulations." Matt said and then exited the hospital room silently. 

"Don't worry about it." I said before Taylor could even start a sentence.


I spent the night in the hospital with Taylor, I knew he needed my support and no one else was there. Cameron, Kaylen, Nash and Bryant all stopped by but I was the only one who stayed. 

We talked all night about how things had been, how they are and how we wanted them to be. 

We agreed that I would move in with him. 

We also agreed that Samuel was a great boy name.

And we agreed that spaghetti was delicious. 

I realized how much Taylor and I had in common and how well we fit together. 

I couldn't help but wonder...have I been wasting my time with Matt?


I hope you guys like this chapter!

I've been updating a lot lately I hope thats alright;)

Thank You Guys So Much! 

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