Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning and made my usual cup of tea, and getting my usual greek yogurt and a banana for breakfast. I sat myself down at the breakfast bar and as I took a bite of my banana Cameron appeared in front of me.

"We're going out today." He said.

"Uh okay Cam." I said, a little taken back by how straightforward his comment was.

"We're gonna go film and board and stuff, get ready." He continued. I looked up at the kitchen clock and it was already 1:00 pm. 

After being surprised about how late in the day it alread was I finished my breakfast and started to get myself ready.

I put on some lightwash torn skinny jeans, a black crop top and tied a plaid flannel around my waist to add some color. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and a light amount of makeup. 

"You look beautiful always love." Matt said, walking into the bathroom where I was. 

"You look nice yourself Matthew." I replied to him, give him an eskimo kiss. 


After lunch, filming for a few hours, and plenty of messing around and shopping it was finally starting to get dark. Regardless of the lack of light in the sky the lights of the city were plenty bright. 

I found a pretty well lit alleyway that has some nice concrete and thought it would be a good place to board. I motioned for the others to come and join and we laughed as Cameron and Nash attempted tricks and failed miserably. 

Cameron ate shit several times and I even got one on video, it was pretty funny. 

Cameron and the others went inside a local mini mart to get something to drink.


It was just Matthew and I in the dark alleyway and I heard a farmiliar voice. It was Chelsea, again. Here to make our lives hell just as she had done again and again before.

“Nice to see you lovebirds together again. You must be very forgiving Bailey, considering your boyfriend here cheated on you...with me.” She said snarily in that same tone she always has, the one that makes me cringe.

“I know you’re a lying bitch.” I said to her, a little scared because of our last encounter.

“Well, I will admit to lies in the past, but what I just said is no lie sweety, it happened.” Chelsea spoke again.

I turned to Matthew, somehow starting to believe the words leaving Chelsea’s disgusting mouth.

The look he gave me was unreadable.

“Why should I believe a slut like you over my wonderful, loving boyfriend?” I stated, hoping that the truth would actually come out and I could hold the liar accountable.

“Maybe because if he did cheat on you that night, he would never want to tell you, but me, I have nothing to lose and nothing to gain, so may as well tell the truth right?” Chesea said. She had a point.

“Matthew, please tell me the truth. Did you or did you not cheat on me with Chelsea that night?” I asked, looking back and forth at both of them.

“I-I did.” Matt said, causing my stomach to clench up and a mix between anger and dissapointment filled me.

“I see. Uh. I see.” Was all I could get out. Yes, I did cheat on Matthew with Taylor, but at least I had the balls to admit what I had done.

“I just. I don’t understand why you would lie straight to my face. Matthew, I though you were different.” I continued.

“I’m not perfect Bailey. All those girls think I am and now you know that I’m not. Sometimes I think they need to know as well. There’s no aliby.”

Chelsea stood there and laughed to herself.

“I bet you don’t think as low of me now, do you?” She said.

“No trust me Chelsea, I still think you’re the piss at the bottom of the gutter.” I said in a sarcastic reassuring tone.

“I think about the same of you.” I turned and told Matt.

“It’s not like you didn’t do the same to me though! I swear all you think about is yourself!” Matthew yelled back at me.

“All I think of is myself?! I’ll have you know that I think of you every second I live! I think about what you would say if you were with me, what you might want for dinner when I’m out grocery shopping, it’s you Matthew! It’s always you! But you’re too busy trying to point my wrongs out that you don’t see it!” I yelled back and listening to my voice echo loudly through the alley.

I knew that if I turned around I would see Chelsea standing there, with a ‘proud of herself’ look on her face. But maybe these things needed to be said .

“Hey! What’s going on here? What’s all the yelling about? Cameron said loudly over Matt and I’s yelling. I watched as Kaylen and Nash followed behind him.

I continued yelling as I tried to explain what was going on to Cameron and Matt stood there trying to defend himself saying things like ‘it’s not my fault’ and ‘if she would just understand’ I noticed Cameron look over us fighting and his eyes grew dark. I knew he had noticed Chelsea. He speed walked over to where she was and almost pushed her to the ground when she pulled a pistol from her back pocket.

And pulled the trigger. She shot my brother right in the head.

My body went cold and I screamed louder than ever before. I heard Chelsea’s footsteps as she ran away.

I screamed again and ran up to my limp brother. I sobbed over his unlively body as I heard other sobs and screams from the rest of the group, I heard a phone dial three digits and Kaylen’s broken voice telling the operator our emergency.

“Why? Not you. Why did it have to be you?” I whispered to Cameron as if he could hear me, holding his head in my lap and running my fingers in his hair for the last time that I ever would.

I rocked back and forth, trying to understand that this is real life, that my brother is really gone.

“I wish I would have died that night. Then I would be with you.” I said, still screaming and crying and rocking back and forth.


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