Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

*at party*

Cameron was right, this was a pretty sick party. There was good music, the people here were really nice, and the food was amazing. It was a big house too, I'm still wondering what exactly this is an after party for.

I hadn't seen Matt in about 20 minutes so I decided to text him and see where he was at. I was just exploring the huge, beautiful house.

Bailey- hey where are you babe?

Matthew- were outside by the pool playing pool hehe;)

Bailey- wow. How ironic;)

Matthew- yeah where are you?

Bailey- inside. This house is huge!

Matthew- okay well try not to let too many guys hit on you;)

Bailey- no promises;)

I put my phone back where it was, secured in the waistband of my skirt. When I looked up, i saw something that ruined my night. It was Chelsea. She stood there in front of me, how was I gonna get rid of this girl?

"Having fun?" She asked. I just nodded. I didn't even want to have a conversation with her.

"Listen. I wasn't pleased about your snotty comment this morning. I know that you're trying to get in the way of me and Cam and you better stop, or else something bad might happen to little Bailey." Was she threatening me? I wasn't too scared of her though. She talked a bunch of shit but I doubt she could back it up.

"There's nothing to get in between Chelsea. Cameron wants nothing to do with you." I said, proud of myself for calling her out.

"What was that?" She asked and the I felt her had against my thigh. I looked down to see she was clenching onto a pocket knife. My heart started beating a million miles per hour and I felt my breathing quicken. I was scared. Cameron wasn't here to protect me now and my instincts were telling me to run.

I had no idea where I was in this huge ass house. It was like a maze. I ran and turned down a few hallways until I finally felt like that physco bitch wouldn't be able to find me. I ran into a room that had a bed and what looked like a large closet. I sat down on the bed and put my hand over my heart as I tried to steady my breathing. Oh my god what just happened?

I wasn't even thinking straight. All I could think about was the fact that Chelsea was threatening me. I didn't feel safe without Cameron or Matthew here. I felt helpless. I watched as the door knob slowly turned and my heart stopped along with key breathing.

I was relieved to see it was only carter. I wasn't all that fond of carter, there was something about him I just couldn't get past in order to like him. He was obviously drunk off his ass. I watched his stumble over to where I was sat on the bed.

We had never really talked, much less been in a room alone together so it was kind of awkward. He sat down beside me and looked me up and down.

"Hey" he whispered. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey" I said, forgetting everything that had just happened. It was all normal until I felt his hand move onto my thigh, and then move closer and closer to the inside of it. I looked down at his hand, moving up and down on the inside of my thigh. He leaned in and I jumped away quickly.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Even though I already knew the answer to that question.

"Just trying to have a little fun. C'mon bailey." He said, getting up and grabbing both of my wrists. My heart started beating again. This can't be happening. I moved my hands and tried to escape his grip but it wasn't happening.

"Stop." I said, simply. I didn't want this to go any further, it had already gone too far.

"Let's just have some fun." He replied, moving his lips to my neck as he kept his grip on both of my wrists.

"No. Stop. Now." I said back, trying my best to move my neck away from his mouth but his lips kept following.

"Shh. Just let it happen. " he said. I jerked my wrists but his grip wasn't releasing. I didn't know what to do. And then, I got an idea. I swiftly brought my knee up and made contact with his stomach with all the force I had. He quickly bent over and I ran on out the room, tears rolling down my cheeks. This was by far the worst night of my life. I felt so scared and alone.

I ran as quickly as I could outside and looked for Cameron and Matthew in a panic, the tears kept falling faster and faster. I spotted the back of Matt's grey t shirt and ran up to him, hugging him tightly. I just needed to feel safe again.

"Bailey what's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?" Matt asked, this was the most concerned I had ever seen him.

"Bailey what the hell happened?" Cameron said, I just shoved my head Farther into Matthew's chest and cried even harder. It felt like forever since I had been in his arms. I was still so scared.

"We need to go." I said as I pulled away from Matt's arms. There were no questions asked and Cameron texted the group chat letting them know we were leaving. I was still hysterical. I didn't even know how to process all that had happened tonight.

Matt just held me in his arms the entire ride home, rocking me back and forth, as Cameron rubbed my back up and down trying to comfort me the best he could, but it wasn't really working. I had no idea how I was going to explain all of this to them. Knowing Cam he probably wouldn't let me wander off somewhere alone ever again.

When we got back to the hotel I tried my hardest to explain what happened in between sobs. I knew Cameron felt guilty for letting me be alone, but it wasn't his fault. Of course he didn't see it that way though.

"It gonna be okay. It won't happen again." Matt whispered to me, still holding me close. I still couldn't say anything, I was in so much shock. Soon we went to sleep because I was pretty much exhausted from tonight. I'm pretty sure I've never snuggled that close to Matthew ever.

Even though the experience was pretty traumatic, the boys made me feel better. They made me feel safe. They even cheered me up by bringing me mcdonalds.

"We're here now. Nothing else is going to happen to you. And I swear to god if I see Chelsea again..." Cameron said and then trailed off. I always thought that he would never hurt her, but now I thought differently. I did feel better though, and I wasn't about to waste anymore time in Miami so I decided to get up and get ready for the day


Mrs. Espinosa-A Matthew Espinosa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now