Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

**Flash Forward a Few Months**

We were finally back in California and Matthew had come with us, since he was looking for an apartment and I had moved in with Cameron and Nash. Which was...interesting to say the least.

I always did all the work. Cooked, cleaned, laundry, dishes, you name it. I ended up cleaning the boys' rooms too just because I couldn't stand the mess.

Oh yeah and Kaylen had moved in too. Except it was slightly different than a few months ago. Her and Nash had broken up, and to make it even more awkward she was now dating Cameron. It was a weird situation but we all just kind of ignored it.

It was better to do that then to bring it up and have feelings hurt and words said that really didn't need to be.

Anyway, it was me, Matthew, Kaylen, Nash, and Cameron all crammed up into one apartment, and that's why Matthew and I were searching. We almost moved in with Taylor for a while but I was opposed to that idea.

Recently, I had been getting sick in the mornings, and I was especially hungry throughout the day. When I was 3 weeks late on my period, I decided to get myself checked out.

I walked into the doctors office nervous as hell. I was shaking and my heart was beating what seemed like a million miles per hour. If these side affects where to what I thought it was, it wasn't gonna be good.

The nurse was nice and all I had to do was pee in a cup and they did the rest. The entire time sitting in the office I bounced my leg up and down and chewed my nails in nervousness.

What seemed like ten years later the doctor finally came out from behind a closed door, clipboard in hand. I looked up in hopefulness.

"We ran the tests and Ms. Bailey Dallas, you are indeed pregnant."

My heart stopped. My thoughts stopped. I couldn't even comprehend what was going on. After the reality of the situation kicked in, I started trembling again. I grabbed the paper the doctor had in her hands for me and rushed out the door.

All I could think about was Matthew. What he was going to think. What he was going to do. If he would still love me. If he would leave me alone. I was so anxious and worried that I broke down crying. I just sat there in my car, sobbing over the steering wheel when I heard my phone start ringing.

The caller ID read 'Matthew.'

"Hey babe how'd your appointment go? Everything okay?" He asked.

I was still taking heavy breaths and sobbing uncontrollably.

"Oh my god bailey are you okay? Do you need help? I'm coming to get you." Matt kept saying as I cried harder.

"No, no Matthew stay home. I'm fine." I managed to say. I couldn't tell him. I knew who I had to tell first, and that was Taylor.

I drove to Taylor's house, trying to pull myself together so I wouldn't look so miserable.

When I got to his door I knocked loudly three times.

He swung the door open and looked down at me, but before he could open his mouth I spoke.

"Taylor, I'm pregnant." I said blankly, swiping away the snot from my puffy, red, freckled nose.

"I-Bailey..." Taylor said, or tried to say. "Is it...mine?" He continued. I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes again. I swear I've cried more in these past couple months than I have in my entire life. Then, I started bawling.

"Shhh. Shh you're fine. We're fine." He said, pulling me in for a hug and squeezing me tightly.

"What are we gonna do Taylor? We can't raise a child. Were still children. I'm with Matthew, Cameron is gonna-" oh my god I totally forgot about Cameron. He doesn't even know I'm not a virgin much less the fact that I'm pregnant at 17 years old.

I pulled away from Taylor's grip.

"I have to go. I just thought I would tell you first." I said, and then hurried off. Taylor called after me frequently but I ignored it and hurried to my car. At this point I wasnt crying, I just had a blank expression on my face. This situation couldn't get anymore fucked up.


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