Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


I pulled away.


“Is it crazy to think that maybe we were made for each other?” I asked, my voice not much louder than a whisper.


“If it is, we’re both crazy.” he replied.


I smiled at him and then let my head fall into his strong chest. He wrapped his arms around me and smoothed my hair softly.


“I love you.” his lips uttered.


“Good.” I replied, turning my head to look up at him. He gave a concerned look, as to say ‘you don’t love me back?’ “Because I love you too.” I continued.


I saw him smile and then repositioned my head to the way it was before. All this time, Kaylen had been pressuring me to be with Taylor instead of Matthew and now I knew why. I loved Matthew more than I had ever loved anyone before but I felt like I belonged with Taylor.


The way he looked at me, the way he cared for me, the way he smiled whenever I said his name, the way he held me tight, I felt loved and cared for. Taylor snapped me out of my thoughts when I felt him lift me up and out of the tub, carrying me up stairs.


I closed my eyes, hoping for sleep to take over my body but instead I heard a door open and cool california night air sweep over me. I opened my eyes to find Taylor bringing me to the cuishoned tanning chairs on the roof. He layed me down soflty, and then layed down beside me.


He pulled my body close to his, keeping me warm. I felt his fingers softly brush against the skin on my bare arms and then moving slowly down my back, sending chills down my spine. I just layed there, looking up at Taylor, watching him close his eyes and starting to fall asleep. I couldn’t help but think about Matt and I.


I thought about the way Matt used to hold me, the way he would grab my hand and squeeze it tight when and guy would talk to me. When he used to say “smile beautiful.” Everytime I was discouraged. He would always want to cuddle with me and watch netflix. He knew I loved tea, so he would always make me some in the morning, just the way I liked it. Black tea with a little sweetener.


The way he hugged me from behind, and whispered in my ear telling me how much he loved me. I missed him so much, I couldn’t help the tears that started to silently fall down my cheeks and I bgean to sniffle. Taylor must have felt the wet drops on his forearm because he jerked awake quickly.


“Bailey, are you okay? What’s wrong?” Taylor said, probably panicing because he woke up to a crying me.


“I miss Matthew” I said between short, crying breaths.


“Shh it’s okay.” he replied holding me even tighter and rocking me swiflty back and forth.


“No, Taylor it’s not I miss him.” I spoke quietly and continued to cry.


“I know he misses you too.” he replied blankly.


“What am I meant to do? I’m pregnant with your child and all I can think about is Matt. And I feel awful, I cheated on the boy I’ve always wanted, then, broke up with him, only to leave him for his best friend who happens to be the same guy I cheated on him with. If theres one thing I regret most in life it’s sleeping with you that night Taylor Micheal Caniff. That was the worst thing I’ve ever done to you, me, and Matthew. If there’s one thing I would take back it would be that night. I try to stay positive but this is too much, I feel like there’s no way out and...and I just need everything to go back to normal but it never will be again. I feel like dying.” I said, pouring my feelings out more than I ever had before.


“You don’t love me, do you?” Taylor said.


“No Taylor. Not enough, anyway.” I replied and then removed myself from the chair we had shared.


“I’m going to go take a bath and relax.” I stated and then exited the roof. In my mind, I was a mess. I felt worthless and that there was no way out, like I needed to leave this world.


Once I got into the bathroom I stripped down and started running the bath water, warm, but not hot. It was about halfway full and I rummaged through the cupboards and sink drawers. I pulled a blade from the second to last drawer on the right side, and slit both of my wrists deeply.


I winced in pain as the blade cut through my wrists, leaving my skin open and bleeding profusely. I slowly lowered myself into the bath water and prepared myself for facing my own death.


I watched as my blood filled the clear water and turned it red. I felt light headed, and dizzy as the blood flowed faster and faster from the slits in my arms. I heard a knock on the door, and could make out Taylor’s voice telling me he’s coming in.


At this point my vision was blurry but all I could see was Taylor trying his hardest to get me out of the blood infested water. I felt like I was closer and closer to letting go. I could see Taylor pull out his phone and then I blacked out.


**Taylor’s POV**


“911, what’s your emergency?” I heard a woman say from the other end of the line.


“Yes, I have a suicude attempt.” I said raspily thorugh the phone, my voice cracking due to the tears falling down my cheeks.


“Where are you located? Sir, please stay calm.” She replied.


“How am I supposed to stay calm?! I’m at 904 Gringbridge Avenue. Please hurry, she’s unconsious.” I said back, I could feel the blood pumping through my veins and I felt sick as I saw Bailey this way.


“Sir, please calm down I’m sending help your way. Check for a pulse.” the woman replied sorrily.


“Yes! Yes there’s a pulse!” I said into the phone.


“Okay sir please hang tight there’s an ambulance headed your direction.” Was the woman’s final words as I hung up the phone. I kneeled down beside Bailey on the floor, crying over her. My hands were shaking as I smoothed her hair back, comforting myself more than her.


“You’re okay, just hold on for me baby.” I said, as if she could hear me.


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