Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:
Why the hell was Chelsea here? Who am I kidding? I knew why she was in Miami. To screw with our lives and get Cameron to fall in love with her. That was always her goal.

Just like I knew she would, she approached us with a sly look on her face.

"Oh hey cam. I see you're having a good time in Miami." She said, twisting her hair and holding her Starbucks just like every other basic bitch out there.

"Yeah, and it would be a lot better if you weren't here." I said, sticking up for my big brother.

"Ooh someone's feisty. Maybe you should change your attitude." She said rudely and then splashed her caramel Frappicino all over my whit crop top. "And now you're gonna have to change your outfit too." She continued, with a look of accomplishment on her face.

I had no words. I was furious, I could feel my face turn bright red and I clenched my fists. Who did this bitch think she was? I knew Cameron wouldn't do much about it though, he couldn't hit a girl. I looked down at my shirt to see the damage. Yep, it was definitely ruined. There was brown caramel stains all through the lace on it. Damn it! I loved this crop top.

Before strutting off Chelsea stepped towards Cameron and mumbled

"Call me later for a good time." God I hated this dumb thot. We needed a restraining order or something, of course she wouldn't pay any mind to that anyway.

"Oh my god are you okay babe?" Matt said, running up to me with a look of sympathy on his face. "Who did this to you?" He asked as he pulled me in for a hug.

"That bitch, Chelsea." Cam said, looking at matt from over my shoulder.

"No. Oh my god I'm so sorry I wasn't here." Matthew said, rubbing my back up and down.

"It's okay. I'm fine." I said. Even though I didn't feel fine, I had so much anger built up inside me.

"I'll take you back to the hotel to get you changed." Matt said, releasing from the hug and grabbing my hand to start walking me back up towards the hotel, it wasn't far.

We finally made it up to the hotel. It felt like for ever in that nasty sticky mess of clothes I was in. By this time it had dripped down to my shorts too. Without really thinking about it I stripped down and ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I got out, wrapped a towel around my body, and walked out to pick a new outfit from my suitcase. Good thing I packed a bunch of clothes. Cameron always made fun of me for packing way more than I needed but in situations like this it came in handy. Plus you never knew when you would need a certain outfit.

Matt was on his phone as I grabbed some jean shorts and a cream button up take top. I quickly changed in the bathroom and put my wet hair up in a bun so it wouldn't drip everywhere.

"What are you doing?" I asked matt, who was being suspiciously quiet sprawled out on the bed.

"Nothing." He said, tilting his phone screen away from my view as I approached him. Something was up.

"What the hell matt? What is it? Why can't I see?" I said, reaching for his phone. I was extremely curious now.

"It's a surprise, check vine" he said, smirking a little.

What? What did that even mean? I quickly pulled my phone out of my back pocket and opened vine. Immediently a vine on Matthew Espinosa's profile popped up. It was a vine of me walking out with my towel and talking to matt saying,

"You know how much I love you?"

"How much?"

"Lots and lots and lots."

I had no idea he was vining, it was kind of cute, other than the fact I only had a towel on and I looked rachet af. It was captioned,

'@Bailey Dallas loves me lots.'

"Take it down Matthew Lee!" I said, shoving my phone back in my pocket.

"Hmm nope. Payback for you calling me a thot." He said, looking at me confidently. I wasn't about to start anything with him so I just huffed and left the room. I knew he wouldn't be far behind though.

"Hey hey wow wow where ya goin?" He said, running to catch up with me and then stopping in front of me so I would stop.

"Down to the beach. That was the plan wasn't it?" I said.

"Well I thought we might spend some time alone." He said winking, and grabbing both of my hands.

"Okay but no funny business" I said, shaking my pointer finger at him as I mocked Cameron. He smiled at me, and we turned around to head back to our hotel room. As soon a we got back and closed the door, matt started kissing me.

"Are you trying to start something Espinosa?" I said, pulling away slightly but our noses were still touching.

"Maybe." He replied, and continued kissing me. Soon he moved down to my neck. That killed me. I thought I would mess with him a little. I pulled away which left him with a confused look on his face.

"Let's go do something." I said, smiling because I knew he was gonna be disappointed and I loved messing with him by making him wait.

"I thought we were gonna do something." He replied. I laughed at his remark.

"Hmm not today.." I said, and watched the look on his face change to 'oh I know what this is'

He picked me up, and threw me onto the soft hotel bed. He crawled on top of me and layed in between my legs. He continued kissing my neck. Then, we heard a knock on the door. Matthew sighed, and then got up to get the door. Cameron stood in the doorway.

"Glad to see you guys are fully clothed. But guys I have some good news!" He said, I knew he tried to hide his feelings but I could see the excitement in his eyes.

"Ooh what is it?" I asked, perking my head up.

"We're going to this sick after party! I don't even know what it's for but it gonna be hype! There's a pool and ping pong and shit." Well that did sound pretty fun.

"Okay what should I wear?" I asked. They both looked at me and Cameron rolled his eyes.

"Where something nice. It's not gonna be too fancy but you should still look good." He replied. I'd probably just end up wearing a skirt or something.

"She always looks good." matt said, winking at me. I smiled and winked in response. I actually was really excited for this party. I'd never been to an after party before, and it sounded like a pretty big deal.

I changed into a black and white short sleeved crop top and a high wasted maroon flowy skirt. Matt changed out of his basketball shorts into some jeans and his diamond tee shirt with Palm trees on it. That was my favorite shirt that he had, considering I was obsessed with Palm trees.

"Ready?" Matthew asked, wrapping his arm around me.

"Ready!" I said excitedly, I felt like tonight was gonna be good.


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