Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:


**Bailey’s POV**


I woke up to a pounding in my head and I felt a stinging pain in my arms. As I opened my eyes more and more I saw what seemed to be a hospital room, I looked down at myself and saw a hospital gown and bandages around my wrists.


The flashbacks from the night before were starting to come back to me.


I started to cry again as I watched my friends file into the room, along with a doctor.


“Bailey!” Kaylen said rather loudly, making my head pound harder. She walked over to me and gave me an awkward hug, considering I was lying down on a bed.

Cameron and Matt were talking to the doctor, but I didn’t see Taylor or Nash.


“Legally, we have to hold her for 48 hours or put her in a care of a loved one.” I heard the doctor tell Cameron.


“She’s safe with me Doctor.” Cameron replied. The doctor nodded, and then silently left the room. Cameron turned his head to me and gave me a soft, loving look. I forced a smile as he walked over to me and kissed me on the forehead.


“How ya doin’ sissy?” He asked.


“I’m tryin’.” I replied. Matthew joined the others around my bed.


“Can we please have some time in private?” Matthew asked Cameron and Kaylen. They both agreed and left the room.


“Taylor told me what you were saying last night.” He continued.


“Mmm.” I said in response, I didn’t feel quite strong enough to talk much yet.


“Even after all of this I still love you too. These past few days have been the hardest of my life. I’ve never missed someone as much as I’ve been missing you. I’d give anything to have things back to the way they were.” Matt said. I looked at him lovingly and tried to speak.


“That’s what I missed the most.” I said.


“What?” Matthew replied, comfused.


I grabbed his hands in mine and said, “I missed that. The way you care about me.”


Matt just smiled.


“I missed everything about you.” He said. His words gave me a warm feeling inside and I smiled at him.


“You have everything I’ve ever wanted and losing you was like losing everything it was so hard for me to stop thinking about yo-” Matt said before I cut him off.


“Kiss me.” I said.


And so he did. The feeling of his lips again made me feel 100x better, I felt like I had just months ago when we fell in love.


“Just kidding, that’s what I missed the most.” I said, and then laughed slightly.


Matthew laughed, and then kissed my cheek softly.



I was finally back in the old apartment, what felt like home.


I was feeling kind of sick, it felt a lot like cramps. Generally a hot shower always helped with them so I went to the bathroom, started the water and adjusted the temperature.


I got into the shower and let the hot water hit my back and head, relaxing my shoulders. I felt a really bad cramp, it was extremely painful. Much worse than anything I had felt before. I clenched my stomach to try and ease the pain


It felt awful, it was an excruciating pain. I looked down at the bottom of the shower to see about a gallon of blood and what looked like a very undeveloped fetus. I screamed at the sight.


I stood there, covering my mouth and crying loudly and hysterically until I hear Matthew swing open the bathroom door quickly.


“What’s going on?” He yelled.


“The baby! I lost the baby!” I screamed, crying harder and louder. Matt tore the shower curtain back, he paused when he saw what I had been looking at for the past few minutes.


“Oh my god.” He said. “Kaylen! Call 911 now!” He continued.


“What the hell is going on?” I heard Kaylen yell as she ran into the bathroom. I stood there, having trouble breathing and crying. Matthew turned off the water and took me into his arms. I rested my head on his shoulder, tears still escaping my eyes.


Kaylen got me a towel and Matt wrapped it around my body.


“We don’t need to call 911 Matt, we just need to take her to the hospital, we won’t be able to make a doctors appointment at this short of notice.

Thank God Cameron wasn’t here to see me like this.

Mrs. Espinosa-A Matthew Espinosa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now