Chapter 15

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Matthew exited the apartment building silently, and we all watched the same way. 

"Bailey it's going to be okay he's just emotional-" Cameron started before I cut him off.

"No Cameron, he's gone. He's leaving me and I'm the one who caused this mess. I brought this on myself, I deserve him leaving me." I said, simply looking straught ahead, my voice cracking due to the tears welling up in my eyes once again. 

"Bailey I'm sure Cameron is right, he'll be back soon where else would he stay? With Taylor?" Kaylen said, and then my thoughts wandered.

If Matthew goes to Taylor it's not going to be good. Although Matthew is very sweet, caring and loving, he also has a very short temper. 

*Taylor's POV*

I was sitting on the couch of my house all alone, thinking about what was going to happen. How I was going to take care of a child at 18 years old. 

I've always been a good big brother but now that all that responsibility would be put on me, it was starting to stress me out-a lot.

Right then I heard a knock on the door. I stood up, and prepared to see Bailey at my door again, in tears.

When I opened the door, to my surprise it was Matt. 

"Hey man, wh-" I started before I felt Matt's knuckle meet my left eye.

"Ow gah what was that for?" I almost yelled as I pulled my hand up to try and relieve the pain I was now feeling in my eye.

"I don't know if you're aware or not 'bro" but Bailey is now pregnant and it's yours. You best find a way to take care of her and that child to the best of your ability. Because I love her, I love her so much and this is too much for me. You take care of her Taylor. For me." Matt said, halfway through he started crying. I'd never seen him get that emotional before.

I felt my eye, it was warm and I knew it was going to be black and blue in the morning. Matt just gave me one last look and turned himself back around. 

I don't know if it was because the punch to my eye or because I have a kid on the way but my head started throbbing to the point where I couldn't hear myself think. 

I always thought I would be happy and excited to have my first child, but this was way different. To take my mind off things I got on twitter, whenever I was feeling anxiety or any other negatve feeling interacting with my fans always made it better. 

As soon as I opened the app i clicked the upper right hand corner where the composing a tweet button was. I quickly typed, without really thinking,

"Guys I have a kid."

Almost instantly I saw all of the replies that said things like;

"Hahaha babe ur funny"

"Lol Taylor ur a dork;)"

"Oh guys it's official. Taylor is now pregnant!"

"When are you due Tay?"

At least they think I'm joking. 

*Bailey's POV*

"What if Matthew confronts Taylor?" I asked, not really towards anyone in specific, just anyone who was listening and had input. 

"Everything's gonna be fine don't worry about things that haven't happened yet." Cameron said wiseley. 

"He's right, Matt will be back I swear. You're too good to lose." Nash said, although I didn't really care about his opinion at all.

"Thanks guys, I just need a break. I think I'm going to go lay down for a while." 

I made it to me and Matthew's bedroom and plopped myself on the bed. I felt my stomach and cringed. What I really needed now was Matthew here with me, holding me and telling me things were gonna be okay. 

I wasn't sure that I was ever going to feel that again. 


Thank you guys for reading! I love seeing how many reads I have! If you guys don't mind go ahead and vote and comment! It would really help! Also if you guys have friends that would like this fanfic go ahead and suggest it to em:) 

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