Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

I got up and took a shower to clean off all of the makeup I had on from the night before that was now running down my face from crying so much. Plus I needed to wash the carter off of me.

I threw on some floral high waisted shirts and a white crop top. I blow dried my hair, and it was already naturally straight so I didn't have to worry about doing anything with it other than braiding my bangs and bobby pinning them away from my face.

I put some mascara and eyeliner on, and then walked out of the bathroom. I made my way into the main room to see Matthew on the phone. He looked frustrated. All I could hear was his side of the conversation.

"Yeah well I'm not going to"

"I really don't care Taylor"

Maybe you should have thought of that before"

"Whatever. I'm not backing off I really don't give a fuck what you think"

"Babe, are you okay?" I asked, walking up to him.

"Yeah I'm fine. That was Taylor. He's pissed because were together." He replied. Shit. I knew this was gonna happen. And how am I going to tell Matthew that I actually kind of have feelings for Taylor? I guess I wasn't. Matt placed his hands on my waist and I placed mine around his neck.

"Well there's nothing he can do about that." I replied, giving him a quick kiss. He just smiled. I think he was relieved to hear those words.

He leaned in again and I pulled away, teasing him. He leaned in farther, and I pulled away farther. I did this a few more times before he spoke up.

"Stop" he said, and leaned in again.

"Nope" I said, pulling away again.

"You always do this!" He said, and then picked me up. I just laughed at seeing how frustrated he got.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and placed me on his lap.

"What do you want to do today?" Matthew asked, looking at me intently.

"Hmm..let's go clubbing!" I said. I knew there were like 16-20 year olds clubs all over Miami. I thought it would be fun considering I had never actually been to a real club before. I mean me and cam have snuck into like parties and shit but still.

"Ooh that sounds fun. But those clubs don't open til later." Matthew replied, excitement in his eyes.

"Yeah so let's just screw around the hotel for a while." I said. That actually sounded kinda fun. I liked running around the hallways and swimming in the pool.

Maybe a night of clubbing would take my mind off my feelings for Taylor.

"Okay well maybe we should change into something more comfortable if were just chilling out." Matt said. He had a point. I much rather be in leggings and a hoodie right now. That was what I preferred over anything else anyway.

"That sounds better." I replied, climbing off his lap and running to my suitcase. I grabbed some plain black leggings and my Cameron Dallas hoodie. I threw on my galaxy vans and I was ready for the day of screwing around the hotel why we waited for the night ahead of us.

"Hey I'm getting hungry so how bout I go pick us up something to eat? Does Chinese sound okay to you?" Matthew asked, grabbing his phone and waiting for my approval.

"Yeah sounds great babe." I replied. After Matthew left I was about to head out of our room to see what Cam and the rest if the guys were doing when I heard my phone go off. I walked back over to the bed to check what it said. The screen showed an iMessage from Taylor.

"Hey, come to my room? ;)"

Why does he want me to come to his room? And why the windy face?


I made my way to Taylor's hotel room door and knocked quietly. He answered in only his basketball shorts, no shirt. I have to admit, Taylor was hot. But Matthew had my heart.

"Hey" Taylor said with a smile. I didn't see him smile often, and I knew why. He was insecure about his braces but I thought they made him look cute.

"Hey." I replied, returning the smile. He motioned his head, inviting me into his room and I accepted. It was always pretty casual between me and him. I sat down in one of the chairs that were placed by the window. And Taylor approached me slowly. I just kept staring at his abs, it was my weakness.

"Want some?" He blankly asked, referring to himself I guessed.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" I asked

"Maybe, why?" He asked back, with a smirk forming across his face.

"It's working." I said quickly before crashing my lips into his. As passionately as possible. As much as I was turned on I couldn't deny my feelings for Taylor. I was done trying to resist it. He kissed back, I knew he was getting exactly what he wanted and in a way, I was too.

It was moving pretty fast. The clothes were already off and it was getting more and more heated by the second.

"Stop. I can't do this Taylor. Stop." I said softly. I moved away from him and dressed myself quickly. I shouldn't even have let it get that far. Taylor just gave me a look of pure confusion.

"Look Taylor as much as I really want to have sex with you right now, I could never cheat on Matthew. I'm done. We need to just be friends." I hated saying those words but they needed to be spoken. I loved Taylor but bottom line was that I was with Matt and I couldn't jeprodize our relationship. I loved him too much.

"No, bailey I understand. This whole time all I've cared about was myself and I didn't even think about how you being with me would destroy what you and Matt have. And what you have is great. You guys are truly perfect for each other." Taylor said. You have no idea how relieved I was to hear him say that. It was like a weight lifted off my shoulders.

"Thank you so much Taylor. I needed to hear that." I replied. He pulled me in for a hug and I wrapped my hands around his neck, and embraced him. It felt nice to have closure. It was actually a nice moment until we heard Nash and Kaylen in the next room over.

They were always up to something. And we could hear them loud and clear.

"Yes. Yes Nash oh my god." Was basically what summed up what we were hearing. What a great way to ruin a nice moment. I just looked at Taylor and laughed, he laughed too and we just sat there awkwardly listening to them. Eventually I remembered that Matthew was coming back with Chinese and I ran back into our room.

I walked in to see matt already there taking the food out and placing it on the small table that was in our room.

"Oh hey where were you bay?" He asked me, turning his head and smiling when I walked in.

"I was just talking to Taylor." I replied.

"Okay well I got a bunch if food so let's eat." He said. I didn't know how to fully explain how I felt about Matt. I'd never loved someone as much as I did him. He had something about him. All I knew was I loved every second I had with him.


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