Chapter 18

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*Flash Forward A Few Days*

*Taylor's POV*

We were all at this backyard summer barbeque thing. It was like a huge party and a bunch of big viners were invited so it was nice to see some friends that I hadn't talked to in a while.

This was the first time I'd seen Bailey since the day she was on my doorstep in tears, and I hadn't even talked to her yet.

I was thinking about it but really didn't have the guts to go up and talk to her. I was too afraid of what she might say or do to me, she seemed really upset earlier.

Instead, I decided to go and talk to Matt. He probably knew how she was feeling and stuff.

"Hey dude. How's it goin'? I asked casually.

"Hey man I haven't seen you in a while!" Matt replied loudly over the punding music.

"How've you been? How's Bailey?" I asked, edging into what I really wanted to know.

"We're uh-we're good." He replied.

"So I hate to ask but it's kind of important to me. Have you heard if she's like...keeping it or not." I asked, pretty blankly, but me and Matt understood each other, there was no use playing games.

"Last time I checked she had made the desicion of not keeping. I'm sorry if that's hard to hear..." He replied traliing off.

My heart dropped into my stomach and I honestly felt like crying. Having a kid was gonna be stressful but when I really thought about it, I didn't picture myself being too bad of a father.

Plus, Bailey most likely would've ended up with me, and who knows now, her and Matt will probably end up getting married or some shit.

"Oh alright. Uh well uh good...I guess." I said, trying to sound as normal as possible but failing miserably.

“Sorry...are you alright?” Matt asked probably because I choked up on the last word.

“I’m fine. Thanks man.” I replied quickly and then walked off before I could start crying. Whenever I was upset I always took a night ride in my lambo, so that’s what I decided to do.

I sat in traffic for a while until I got onto a free road and was able to really open up.

Going fast in my car was like letting all that anger and sadness out. The more and more I pushed on the accelerator the better I felt.

And then.


The last thing I remembered was swerving out of control due to some idiot not turning their brights down and I ran straight into them.

Then I blacked out.

Mrs. Espinosa-A Matthew Espinosa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now