Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:
*Bailey's POV*

I woke up in Matt's bed again, but this time there was no one else in our room thank god. I didn't need even more rumors about me and him going around social media.

I lifted myself from the place I was laying, wrapped in Matthew's arms. He must have sensed me moving because he lifted his head up with his eyes squinted sleepily.

"Goodmorning babe." He said, once again in that sexy morning voice. I swear that would be the death of me. But wait...did he just call me babe? Don't get me wrong I liked it but...does he think we're dating or something?

"Morning Matt" I replied chirpilly, kissing him on his chubby little cheek. He smiled and sat up more.

"Wanna go downstairs for breakfast?" He asked.

"Mmm yeah breakfast sounds nice. Hey Matt?"

"Yeah Bay?"

"Do you know how sexy your voice is when you first wake up?" I said, admitting my weakness. He smiled in response and pulled me in to hold me tight.

"Okay let's get up, I'm starving!" I said

I was already in one of Matt's plain white t-shirts, so I just threw some under armour black sweats on. I grabbed my phone, and headed downstairs. I was out the door first and soon I felt Matt grab my hand from behind me.

I jumped a little at first but then accepted and squeezed his had tight. We haven't really talked about us, like what we were. I assumed we both wanted to be more than friends, but it wasn't for sure.

*Matthew's POV*

I told Bailey to take a seat and I'd be over in a minute. Taylor had texted me earlier this morning asking me to meet him in private. I turned the corner where the lobby narrowed down into a hallway and sure enough, there was Taylor.

He looked nervous, like he had something important to say.

"Hey man. So I know you've been spending a lot of time with Bailey lately and I was wondering, has she said anything about me?" I knew where he was going with that question. Great, now I'm gonna have Taylor for competition. That wasn't exactly good news for me considering Taylor was charming and smooth.

"Where exactly are you going with this?" I asked, although I already knew the answer to that question.

"I mean, I like her bro. I have for a while, I just always thought it was best to keep my distance." He replied, looking at the ground.

"Yeah well you thought right. Maybe you should keep your distance from her." After I said that, he looked up from the ground.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean Matt?" There was lots of anger in his voice. Shit. There's no way I would win a fist fight with Taylor.

"It means maybe you should back off. She's mine."

"What do you mean she's yours? She's not your girlfriend! Mainly because you're too much of a pussy to ask her out." Wow. That kind of hurt.

"No I'm not Taylor okay? What I do is my business. Just stay the hell away from Bailey, got it?" I stormed away before he could reply. God Taylor made me so mad. I loved Bailey. I mean, I'm pretty sure it's love. I hope he didn't try to make a move on her. Like I said, he's hard competition.

*Bailey's POV*

Matt finally showed up again and sat down next to me at the breakfast bar, placing his napkin on his lap. I had already gotten us both some food on our plates.

"Hey thanks babe." Matt said when he noticed the food.

"No problem babe" I replied, emphasizing the 'babe', mocking him. He started to eat when Jack G spoke up.

"Where were ya matt? Jacking off thinking of Bailey?" I gave him a dirty look as he laughed.

"Shut the hell up Jack." Cameron said loudly. Oh yeah, Cameron.

"Cam it's fine, it's just a joke" I said trying to calm him down as I watched his jaw clench. He just huffed and went back to eating his waffle. We all did the same.

After breakfast, we went back upstairs to get ready for magcon day 2.

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