Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

She just froze, and then smiled and her lips crashed into mine again. I played with the bottom of her shirt, signaling her to take it off. She got the message and it came off. I had never seen her without clothes on before, it was pretty great to be honest.

We were still making out when she grabbed the button of my jeans. Damn. I could get used to this. After a few seconds of messing with it, teasing me, she unbuttoned and unzipped them slowly. I pulled them down for her, considering how hard it would be for her to do that for me.

I quickly worked to take her jean shorts off, I wasn't like her. I wanted to get everything done as quickly as possible. Especially if it meant me getting lucky. Once her shorts were off she backed up on the bed more, so we could both be fully on it.

She started running her fingers through my hair as I messed with her panties. I reached back to unhook her bra and she must have gotten frustrated with how long I was taking because eventually she reached back and did it herself. Holy shit this was really happening. I always thought of Bailey being super innocent but I guess I thought wrong.

I went to grab the side of her panties to pull them down. I slid them down and off her legs. She broke the kiss and pushed me to the end of the bed. Then she yanked down my boxers. Once again. Holy shit.

Just when it was about to get fun in heard the door open.

Oh. Shit.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT THE HELL?" Carter yelled as he walked in and saw us. He kits stood there dumbfounded. I looked at him and then at bailey. She sat there wide eyed and tried to cover herself. After a few seconds of staring carter left.

I just looked at bailey, not knowing what to say. She looked at me and then bit her lip.

"Keep going" she said. Damn she was such a turn on. But I knew I couldn't.

"No. No babe we need to stop. Imagine what Cameron is gonna do to me! He's gonna beat the shit out of me or if I'm lucky he'll just kill me and get it over with." I said. It's true, Cam was gonna slaughter me.

"You're right. Oh no. Don't worry you'll be fine I'll talk to Cam about it. He might blow up at first but I know he would never hurt you"

"Im not so sure about that." I replied. I hurried to get my clothes on and she did the same. When we were both decent we just awkwardly walked back into our hotel room. To see carter standing there and all of the guys plus kaylen wide eyed and jaws open. Oh god. He told them.

I looked over at Cam to see how pissed he was. And he looked really pissed. I swallowed, nervously. Everyone just kind of...left the room. Except Cameron. He told Bailey to leave. She grabbed my hand and then slowly pulled away and left like she was told.

"So this is the game you want to play Espinosa?" Cameron asked quietly. Obviously trying to keep his anger inside.

"No. I-I uh.." I spoke until Cameron cut me of and shoved his finger into my chest.

"I thought I told you to stay away from my sister Matt. And then you go try and screw her? No. Not gonna happen. Don't fuck with me man." He said firmly.

"Do you think she didn't have a part in it?" I asked loudly. I was starting to get mad.

"I'm not saying she didn't. I'm saying I told you not to cross the line and you did. Now are gonna shut the fuck up and leave my sister alone or am I gonna have to hit you?" What? Did he just threaten me? I wanted to say something back and challenge him but I knew I would never be able to beat him physically.

"You're right man. But I'm still gonna spend time with Bailey. I'm in love with her." I confessed. Cameron looked at me strange and the anger in his eyes turned to something different.

"You-you're in love with her?" He asked, I didn't know how to reply. Was he gonna be pissed?

"Yeah man. I love her. I've always had feelings for her but now, it's clear. I'm in love." I confessed my feelings.

"You know what Matt? Go ahead. You can be with Bailey. I get protective but after hearing you say that, I'm okay with it. It's always been hard for me to see her with other boys and I've always felt like I've had to be the dad she's never had. I know she loves you too. I, sorry bro." Did Cam just apoligize to me? Even I after almost banged his little sister?

"Thanks man. I promise to never hurt her." I said.

"Good. Because if you ever did I might have to punch you right in those things that you call balls" he replied. What the hell he's never even seen my balls.

Then, Cameron pulled me in for a hug and then left the room quietly. It felt nice to finally be able to me with bailey without Cam on my ass. Now all I had to worry about was Taylor.


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