Chapter 17

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I woke up to the smell of waffles(I swear I eat more frozen waffles than anything else in the world) and got up off the couch quickly.

"Do I smell waffles?" I yelled loudly from the living room to the kitchen.

"Yep, you're favorite." Matt said, smiling and turning from where he stood at the counter drizzling syrup on my waffles.

"If you can't tell I'm trying to make up for what I did, you know, be a better boyfriend." Matt said as I walked up to him and grabbed both of his hands in mine.

"You don't have to change. You were always perfect." I replied, rubbing my nose gently against his. He smiled as if he felt reassured.

"I still made you waffles." He said cheerfully shoving the filled plate into my stomach.

"I guess they are a nice perk." I teased.

"So where is everyone else?" I asked as I shoved an entire half of a waffle in my mouth.

"Uh Kaylen went to go visit Taylor, Nash and Cam said they were going to go get some groceries. But they hate grocery shopping so I don't know what that's all about." Matt replied.

I just nodded because my mouth was completely full of waffles and syrup.

"So...we have the whole place to ourseleves." Matthew said mischeviously and wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

“So it seems…” I replied, placing my now empty plate in the sink and ran the water over it so it wouldn’t be as hard to wash later.


Matthew moved his body closer to mine to the point where there was no longer space inbetween us, and he looked into my eyes.


He started tugging on the bottom of my top seductively and I’m not gonna lie, it turned me on. I crashed my lips into his quickly and we went back and forth for a while. Matthew lifted me up by my waist and placed me lightly on the marble kitchen counter.


We didn’t break the kiss until he started to lift my shirt up and off my head. I did the same to him and then we continued making out again.


“You’re so sexy.” Matt explained, moving his kisses from my lips to my neck. I let out small moans.


“God Matt.” I managed to get out.


He had been standing between my legs where I sat on the counter and now he pulled me onto him and I grabbed my legs around his waist tightly.


He carried me to the couch, where we had sleot just the night before. When he tugged down my leggings and panties I let out a small gasp.


“You okay?” He asked, worriedly.


“Yeah I’m fine, just not used to this yet.” I replied


“Well get used to it.” He smirked and then went back to undressing me.


*Kaylen’s POV*


I felt so bad for Taylor, I really did. I figured the least I could do was let him know that Bailey and Matthew were back together.


This wouldn’t be great news for him considering his plan all along was to keep them apart, and I kind of agreed with it. I felt like Taylor and Bailey were so great together, and he always had treated her better that Matt ever did.


While we were at Magcon Miami, Taylor was kind of emotional and told me everything. How he felt about Bailey, how he hated Matthew, etc.


So, I agreed to help him come up with a plan, maybe not the best idea, but we thought for sure that it would get results. I guess we thought wrong.


Taylor suggested lying, about me talking to Bailey about how Matt was no good for her, but I denied it. I couldn’t ie straight to her face.


We knew that we had to come up with a good plan, and the options were starting to get limited.


What we ended up with, was genius if you ask me.


I knew that if I talked to Chelsea, she would be up for anything. So I told her to make it look like Matt was cheating to the best of her ability. As soon as Bailey got that impression, I knew she’d lose it.


And who would she go running to? Taylor. If she was feeling a little tipsy, vulnerable and seeking revenge Taylor would be her go to.


We both thought that as soon as she slept with Taylor, she would realize that he was meant for her, that they should be together and that he was there for her when Matt wasn’t.


The whole pregnancy thing wasn’t really planned.


When Bailey said she was pregant, on the inside I was freaking out because I couldn’t help but feel as if it was my fault.


And when I told Taylor that they were back together, he wasn’t happy; just as I had suspected.


*Taylor’s POV*


Even affer all that work we put into that plan, Bailey still wasn’t in my arms. I didn;t understand what I ever did wrong, I never hurt her, cheated, lied, and I cared about her probably even more than Kaylen does. (Which is hard to beat)

I felt like she hated me now, and everything had gone wrong. If she keeps this baby, it might be a perfect gateway for her to finally come to me and stay with me.

Mrs. Espinosa-A Matthew Espinosa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now