Chapter 23

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"There's nothing we can do other than have you come in for check ups Ms...Dallas." The doctor told me, giving me a sympathetic look. 

"Although, the best medicine is support from family and friends." He said directing the attention to the group. I nodded and Matt leaned in and gave me a side hug, shaking my shoulder gently. 

"She's got that." Cameron said. 

"Damn right she does." Matthew said, kissing me quickly on the lips. I couldn't help but smile at him. The doctor was right, even through the emotional distress of losing a child(even though it was unwanted)it made it so much better to have a good support system. 


When we got home I was exhausted and sleep sounded nice considering the world seemed to be working against me lately. 

"I made you some tea, and popcorn." Cameron said, walking into my room. 

"Thanks Cam. You're a sweetheart." I replied taking the warm tea mug into my cold hands.

"Look. This can't be easy for you Bailey, and I know Taylor is going to have a hard time hearing it as well. By the way if you want I can tell him for you, it might make it easier on you. Anyway, you may not think of this way because I'm older than you, but to be honest I look up to you. You've always been so smart, responsible and strong. If I were in your situation right now...I don't know. I would probably lose it. I would've lost it a long time ago having me as a brother." He chuckled to himself. "You truly are the best little sister anyone could ever ask for." He continued. I blushed, looked down at my tea mug and then looked back up at him.

"Cameoron, you don't know how lucky I am to have you. I couldn't dream of a better big brother. And to see how far you've gotten! I remember running around the house in our underwear and killing bugs in the back yard." I said, and laughed thinking back on the memories. 

"I missed you while you were gone." Cam said.

"I missed you too buddy o' pal." I said, jokingly punching him lightly in the arm." 

"Oh shit am I interupting some brother sister bonding time?" Kaylen joked, barging into my room as usual. 

"No Kaylen you're fine." I said, giving Cam one last look and he left the room. 

"Do you wanna go to the mall or something tomorrow?" Kaylen asked as she plopped herself on my bed. 

"Not with you." I joked.

"Fine." She said as if she was actually mad at me.

"I guess me and Cameron will just make as much noise as we want tonight then." She continued.

"Ew please don't!" I said, covering my face in disgust because she was my best friend and he was literally my brother. Like...ew. 

"HAHA!" She said. 

"It's not even funny Kaylen you guys are so annoying. At least me and Matt have the decency to keep quiet." I said. 

"Speaking of you banging people did you and Taylor bang?" Kaylen asked excitedly. 

"What's up with your weird interest in my sex life?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Stop trying to avoid the question, did you or not?" she asked again.

"Sensitive subject." I replied again. 

"You guys did didn't you?!" She nearly yelled. 

"No! Maybe! I don't know!" I yelled back.

"OH MY GOD YOU DID!" She yelled back. 

"She did what? Matt asked, walking into our room. 

"Nothing!" Kaylen said turning to him and then back to me quickly and giggled like a little girl who just told a secret. 

"No for real doe what?" Matt asked again, looking at me this time.

"I got a new phone case, Kaylen just noticed it." I said, covering my own ass. 

"Ohh I see." Matt replied. But I could tell that he didn't believe me. 

"Time to go to bed. Goodnight Kaylen!" Matt said, implying that Kaylen should leave the room. 

"Goodnight Kaylen." I said. She left the room and Matthew pulled himself under the covers and dug his hand in my popcorn bowl. 

"Goodnight babe." He said, and grabbed my body so he could bring it closer to his.

"Goodnight my sweet boy." I replied


Sorry it's kinda short and pointless lol.

Hopefully the next one will be better! 

Thanks for reading!

xoxo, bailey:)

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