Surviving Game

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I shook my head briskly, knowing that once I took the pill, I wouldn't be able to resist anything that may be done to me; they made me weak to the bones.

Suddenly, his fist made contact with my stomach, causing my mouth to open letting out a gasp of pain. Seizing his opportunity, he forced the pills into my mouth, and shook my chin to make me swallow instinctively.

I shut up immediately, the pills starting to take their toll on me.

"Good girl," he crooned softly, obviously noticing my numb state. "Now you have a special guest waiting for you in the bedroom.".

I managed to nod, fresh tears rolling down my face. I was just a weapon. A weapon used to kill. A weapon ugly as hell on the inside, but beautiful on the outside. A weapon used for sex. A weapon my own father used for money. A weapon I hated being.

I stood rooted to where I was, my brain couldn't seem to be able to force my legs to move. Another one of those days I dreaded. The days when my father forced me to sleep with some disgusting man.

A hot slash sounded on my back, making me to cry out in pain.

"Move!" he threatened, his voice was stern and dangerous, I knew I had no option but to do as he said. He shoved me with enough force to make me stumble until we finally got to the same bedroom I usually met the vile men in. It was a beautiful room, with soft silk red bed covers on the four poster bed and luxury curtains blocking out the world. Too bad that what happened inside this room was anything but beautiful.

We stood at the front of the open, big, ornate wooden door until I was pushed in and the door slammed behind me. I heard the faint click of the lock. I had no escape, I was trapped.

"Hello baby, glad to see you again," the old bastard grinned evilly at me, pulling me down to the soft bed taking advantage of my drugged state and how my body was unable to resist.

The man was already undressed and was on top of me, ready to pounce. His eyes roamed my body shamefully, looking at me like I was a piece of meat. I shut my eyes tightly, horrible memories of my mother being killed in front of my own eyes by the man she called her husband came flooding back.

No, I thought to myself, I can't let this happen to me. I can't be killed the same way my mother was. Adrenaline started to flood through my veins, my heart rate dramatically increased making me feel stronger than I actually was. I knew what I had to do, and that I had the strength to do it.

I used all my effort to slam my palms onto the mans unsuspecting chest, sending him flying. Quickly I jumped up, punching the man right in the groin as my new found anger overpowered my current weakness.

The man cried out in pain; as I punched right there again, leaving him doubled up on the bed. Using the opportunity to remove the room's key from his pocket, I rushed to the door, fumbling while trying to unlock it. My palms became sweaty making the key hard to grip; I could hear the man recovering from my punch; I was running out of time. Using one last attempt, I slid the key into the key hole and turned it anti clockwise, I heard the click of the lock; I was going to escape! I bolted out the door, slamming it in the gruesome man's face.

My feet throbbed, my head pounded, my heart was beating at an unhealthy pace, everything hurt so badly; but I couldn't care less. I refused to die; I would not continue this miserable excuse for a life.

I ran straight past my so called father who seemed rooted to the spot with the shock of my escape. "Melissa, stop right there, come...." his distant words faded through the thin air as all I could focus on was getting the hell out of there.

I tuned out from the world and the last thing I thought was:

There was hope.

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