7: Old Wounds

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Kev's Turn:

Angel Arrived At The Restaurant About 20 Minutes After I Called. She Looked Frazzled, Like Someone Had Just Dropped A Shitload Of Problems On Her.

"What's Up Kev?" She Asked.

I Didn't Wanna Waste Any Time, So I Just Jumped Right Into It.

"Did You Fuck Stef That Night You Drove Him Home?"

"I Honestly Don't Know. I Don't Remember Going Back To His House. I Really Don't Know What The Fuck Happened", She Said.

"That Shit Don't Make Sense Angel".

"I Know It Sounds Crazy, But That's The God Honest Truth. I Wouldn't Disturb A Happy Home Like That. I Had Already Hurt Him Enough".

"Well He Thinks We Set Him Up, And That's Why His Girlfriend And Him Split Up About Two Months Ago. He Loves That Damn Girl. I Swear He Does".

She Looked Sad When I Said That. Her Eyes Instantly Teared Up, Making Me Feel Like Shit For Even Mentioning It. Then Again, She Was The Cause For Losing Stef. It Wasn't A Nicer Way To Say That Your Ex Love Was Loving Someone Else.

"Look Kev, I'm Sorry For What I Did To You. I Honestly Tried To Make Him Jealous, But I Should've Just Talked To Him. Now It Seems Like I Ruined His Relationship Again. I Swear I'm No Good For That Boy. I've Ruined Every Chance Of Love For Him. I Gotta Tell Him", She Said With Enthusiasm.

"No Angel Wait", I Yelled.

But It Was Too Late. I Feared That Stef Would Snap Once Angel Told Him The Truth. She Had Cost Him Trust In High School, And Now Aaliyah. Although She Meant Well, She Seemed Only To Be A Lingering Threat To Love For Stef. He Would Never Forgive Her This Time.

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