7: Old Wounds

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Angel's Turn:

I Drove Like A Madman To Stef's House. I Knew He'd Snap Out Once I Told Him, But He Deserved To Know. She Deserved To Know The Whole Truth From Stef, And Not Someone Else.

I Knocked On The Door For What Seemed To Be Hours Before Stef Opened The Door.

"What Angel?" He Asked.

"Look I Know What I Said In The Club, But I Couldn't Let This Go".

I'd Promise To Leave Him Alone, But It'd Only Make It Worse. He Wasn't The Bad Guy Here, I Was. I Knew He Was There With Kev, But I Still Agreed To Drive Him, Because Kev Didn't Wanna Stay The Whole Night Taking Care Of Him. I Knew He Wouldn't Ever Be Understood By His Girlfriend, Because What Girl Would? I Didn't Wanna Fuck His Life Up Anymore.

"Look, When I Drove You Home, I Had Kev Help Me Carry You To The Bed And That Was It. I Don't Know What Happened, But I Was The Woman On The Side Of You", I Said Nervously.

His Eyes Shot Out Of His Skull. He Instantly Sat Down, Placing His Hands On His Head In Confusion And Frustration. I Had Definitely Took The Last Bit If Sanity That He Had Left. I Had Once Again Killed Love For Stefan.

"You Mean To Tell Me, We Fucked And You Don't Know How You Ended Up Back Here? THATS PURE BULLSHIT! How Is It That You Don't Remember Anything, I Don't Remember Anything, But We Ended Up Fuckin On Camera?" He Asked.

"Camera!? I Didn't Know Shit About A Video. You Mean To Tell Me, We Fucked On Camera, As If We Were Aware The Entire Time?" I Asked.

"Pretty Much", He Said Dryly.

"Can I See Your Phone Please?" I Asked.

He Looked At Me With A "I Know You Fuckin Crazy" Look, But Finally Handed It To Me. I Watched The Video To See If It Was Really True. To My Horror It Was. Here I Was Fuckin My Ex Boyfriend On Camera. Mistakenly, I Clicked On The Properties Of The Video. It Noted That The Video Was Filmed At 2:30am, Which Was Weird Because I Got Home At 2:30am After Dropping Stefan Off.

"Hold On. It Says That The Video Was Filmed At 2:30am, But That's The Time I Had Gotten Home After Dropping You Off", I Said.

Stefan Definitely Was Confused Now. He Yelled Out Every Cuss Word You Could Imagine.

"Hold The Fuck Up, How Was The Video Shot At 2:30, If I Was Passed Out Drunk And You Were Home?" He Yelled.

"Someone Set You Up Stef. But Who?" I Asked.

"Idk Angel, But I Gotta Figure This Shit Out. Come With Me To Aaliyah's House. I Gotta Explain This Shit To Her ASAP".

He Grabbed My Arm, Pulling Me Towards The Door. I Wasn't Sure How She'd React To Seeing Stef, But Worst Of All, Seeing Stef With Me.

All Hell Was About To Break Loose.

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