First Project!

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Firey POV:

OMO! Now just to see if Coiny likes Pin. As I peered out of the bush, I see Coiny staring at Pin with wide eyes. Pin is blushing, and then she said those words that I hoped Leafy would say to me one day:"I love you." As she said that, a light blush started to appear on her face. Then Coiny said: "Wha-what? I'd thought you wouldn't like me back!" They both blushed deeply, and I heard Leafy whisper a little "aww..." I thought:"YES!!! Success at being the best matchmaker!"(no pun intended) As I walked out of the bush, I just HAPPENED to trip, HAPPENED to fall on Leafy and HAPPENED to fall down. "Sorry," I said, while thinking:"WAY TO RUIN THE MOMENT, HOTSHOT!"



"We've been friends since 1st grade, right?"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yup. My house right now."

"Race you!"

Leafy POV:

Firey beat me, of course. He's so fast and strong! Wait, Leafy, stop thinking about that. Stop. You know you like him beca-"Leafy? Hello?" Shoot. Please say he didn't notice me blushing. Thankfully, he didn't notice. "Yeah? Oh! We're already at my house. C'mon!"

*timeskip to tommorrow morning

"Good morning class."

"Good morning Professor Four."

"Listen up, all of you. I'm making you do a project and it is very important to your grade. All the people who score it 95% and higher will get an A+. Buuuuuut....."

Then Match says:"Just say it already, Professor!"

Pfft. Obnoxious Match as always.

"Fine! I'll say it right now but I'll say it with increased stakes! Whoever scores 95% or higher gets an A+. But if you score lower, you get an F!!! Dun dun dun!!! The stakes are higher! Everybody thank Match for that!"

WHAAAAATTTT??? Oh, Match, I hate her! She is so annoyingly obnoxious! Why does she have to be so popular and beautiful? 

"Who cares? I should get one-hundred percent one it anyway!"

"Well Match," Four replied,"I expect you to get a hundred on this. Or else this is an F"

"No fair! I didn't mean it!"

"Too bad."


Well, Match got her punishment. Now to see what this project is.

"You will be pairing up into groups of two, handpicked by myself, and then I will be explaining the project. Lets see, when I say your name, get to know your partner. Snowball and Needle, Match and Eraser, Pen and Pencil, Flower and Blocky, Woody and Teardrop, Golf Ball and Tennis Ball, (btw these are all my bfdi ships)Firey and Leafy-"

I didn't hear what the rest was as I walked slowly over to Firey.

"So, Four said we should get to know each other, right?"


"My name's Firey. So, who are you? I've never seen you before." He said in a sarcastic tone.

I replied:"Well, the name's Leafy. Should we shake hands?"

"Maybe later."

Then Four interrupted my conversation with Firey:"Stop blabbering about your nonsense and listen to me! The project is a letter to somebody to this class! I will give you random slips of paper to you, and on it is a person's name. You will then have one week, to collaborate with your partner to write a letter to your person. and one week ONLY to write this, unless you want a ZERO on this. All of you come up here, and no pushing! GET IN A STRAIGHT LINE!!!"(LOL I did not intend for the donut reference there, cause 4 x Donut=0.)

Firey POV:

Really, Four? I should thank you for putting me in the same group as my crush. As I walked over to Four, Leafy was in front of me, with her light green hair swaying each time she took a step. I stared at her hair, untill Leafy broke my trance by turning around. 

"So, who do you think you're going to write to?"

"Uhh...-AAHHHH! You scared me!"

"Um, yeah. So who do you think you're going to write to?"

" I dunno."

"Oh! It's my turn!"

So, coming from a retarded 13 yr old author, how did that go? Who should Leafy get? I know already, Fireafy shippers, because it's going to be- Whoops, gotta do my homework! Like, Comment, and Follow! Epicemrald out!

P.S. Huohuo is my chinese name, so I use it for my google account.

P.P.S. I purposely spelled Epicemrald wrong.

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