Third Project

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Firey POV:

Thanksgiving was a blast! Today's my first day after the break, and I'm currently talking to my friends, Coiny and Woody. I ask them:"So, what did you do during Thanksgiving break?" Coiny said:"Oh, nothing, I just went to your house. The rest of the week was so boring for me that I wanted for school to start." I gave Coiny a disgusted look and slapped him lightly."How about you, Woody?" "S-s-s--am-me."

When the bell rang, I walked to Prof. Four's classroom. It smelled like chicken today. As I sat down, I realized tht Prof. Four wasn't here yet. So I walked around the classroom. I looked at the things on display, looking at those different things. Onne that caught my eye was a picture of him teaching...Mr. X??? Maybe they were teacher and student before? Hmm... Maybe ask him later. I quickly walked back to my seat. Then Four came in. "Good morning class!" "Good morning, Professor Four! " "Today, you will be doing a in class project. I'll first be checking all your homework from Thanksgiving." He walked over to our desks, and checked them in a orderly fashion. But when he walked over to Match's desk, She was scribbling furiously on a piece of paper. He snatched it up, looking at it. "My, My! Match didn't finish her thanksgiving Math Problems! A Automatic Zero!" "Nnnnnnnggh!!!"

"Today is a very special class. Some of you will get an automatic A if you make the best item. This is for my little brother, X." Woah. X is his brother? I never knew that. People started murmuring about this new piece of information. "SHUT UP!!! There will be materials on the table. There is a infinite item generator on the table. It's a real life ingredient generator! I perfected it yesterday. You will have the whole class to form a group and do a project. Go!" Oh, great god of fire. Infinite item generator? Wow! At least it was on the news. But I never expected Professor Four to create a invention like this one! That's right, the inventor wanted to be kept secret. Leafy walks up to me and says:"Let's get started! Let's do this infinite item generator thingamabob!"

Leafy POV:

Me and Firey started brainstorming a bunch of different ideas. We eventually thought that a picture would be the best one. So we asked Prof. Four to print a picture frame, and we got realistic sized models of Four and X. So we arranged them hugging. Then we took a picture with the camera, and put it inside the photo frame. Just as we finished, Prof. Four said:"Times up! Let's go to X, who is on break right now."

We walked to mr. X's room, and he was currently in study mode right now. He was focused entirely on the computer screen that lay in front of him. "Ahem." "Oh, Hi professor Four! What do I owe you for this pleasant visit?" "Since it's your birthday today, I made them make gifts for you. They probably made it really good ones!" X then smiled, and said:"Oh, thank you Four! You didn't have to." We took in this other piece of information. It's his birthday today? "In case you're wondering, I'm turning 26 today. My brother, Four is currently 28." Wow. They're so young! I never knew that they could do something like that! After all, they did go to high school approximately 15 years ago!

*timeskip to aftermath

"I really liked all your gifts. I really do. But the one that I liked the most is Flower's! She made a nice cake for me. It's beautiful, that's what! I, love it!" Oh. So Flower got that A. She was working alone, after all. After he announced that Flower won, there were groans of disappointment. Four then said:"Come on, class! We're heading back to our classroom!"

Really sorry for not keeping my promise and for this short chapter. I really am. But when your family gets busy scolding you about some stupid math problem, you just sit there and say nothing. You're no really in the mood to talk, or write, or anything like that. So sit tight, and wait for another chapter! Comment, Like, and Follow! Epicemrald out!

P.S. If I get at least 20 followers in the following week, I'm going to write another chapter the day I get it.

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