Graduation (final chapter)

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Warning: A ton of POV switches

Firey POV:

As I picked up my backpack, put on my shoes, I sighed in anticipation. Today was the last day of school. I'm not going to miss it during the summer, because all that homework we got this year was enough to make me dead on the inside. Oh and also, I'm planning to do something very important today. I made up my mind. I'm confessing my feelings to Leafy. She was the one thing that kept me going, besides my family and other friends. I looked back into my house for one last time, before setting off to face my greatest fear or regret. I turned out, closed the door and locked it, and set out to the school. Looking left and right, I saw Leafy running to school. "Why is she running so fast?" Then I checked the time: 8:15. Well crap. I gotta blast! 5 minutes till the last day of school starts! As I ran up to Leafy, she looked back at me and in between pants, she said: "Oh hey Fire-*cough* Firey. Sorry, I'm kinda cold so I'm coughing. Running is hard for me, because I was never good at it in the first place." I smiled warmly and said: "Ah, that's fine! Just, I don't know, run every day?" "That's hard! I need someone to motivate me, and I know you're too lazy to run with me! You're usually a late riser!" I laughed, and said: "Oh, Leafy, if only you knew." She turned to me with a confused expression. "Know what?" "No-o-o, you'll learn it when you get older," I said, wagging a finger. "And more mature." She pouted, and said: "HEY! I'M MORE MATURE AND OLDER THAN YOU! TELL ME!" I mentally high-fived myself and said: "I'll tell you when school's over. Oh, hey, look! School!" Leafy looked at the direction I was pointing and said: "Right. Well, tell me after school what the secret is!" 

Leafy POV:

 As I ran in the hallway, I skidded into my room and sat down just as the tardy bell rang. "Ah, this time I can't mark you late!" I turned my head to Professor Four and said: "Alright, alright, this is probably the last time that I'm going to be in your class, so alright." Professor Four smiled a really creepy smile, and said: "Little do you know that I'm going to have to teach you next year." I reeled around in surprise. "And the next." Several students started looking at him with shocked faces. "And the next." I said: "Ok, Prof, we get it! You're just gonna be there to torture us until we reach the end of the senior year." The Professor said: "Right. Well, first thing that you're all probably wondering about is the wishes. Look, today is graduation day, and you get to stand for 3 hours in the hot sun. I'd take up that time to think about who got the best grades, who is going to get the wish. The second thing that I have to bring up, is that m-" Professor Four was cut off as some light footsteps sounded in the hall and grew louder. We all crowded around the glass window to see who it was, and it was Lightning to exclaim: " Match is back!" Our whole class murmured with mixed emotions. Honestly, I'm glad that she's back. Pencil's been in a really bad state because she was gone and now she can help Pencil get back to what she was before. Pencil gasped and ran through the door. Match saw her and joyfully exclaimed: "PENCE-PENCE!!!" Then they started hugging like nothing happened. (BTW I do NOT ship these two) We were all just watching the joyous exchange through the window, and wondering. I, myself, was happy for those two because Pencil was going through a mental crisis and Match, she'd been through a lot. As we all dispersed back into our seats, Match came into our classroom. She said: "I got to make an apology to some people. Leafy, sorry for taking you forcefully, and Woody, sorry for treating you so horribly. And Firey?" Firey turned towards her, and she smirked. "Good luck." Firey looked confused, but I understood. I put my face down and covered my face with my arms, blushing. "Crap, he's going to find out sooner or later. I, after all, am confessing to him today."

Firey POV: 

"Good luck." OH MY FREAKING GOD, MATCH IS SUCH A SAVAGE. I put on a confused look, but on the inside, I was freaking out. I decided to sneak a peek at Leafy, but then the whole class giggled, so I just pretended like nothing happened when she looked at me. Professor Four then said: "Alright, so that's all I have to say, but if you think you stand a chance of winning the wish, then come to the assembly after school today. Now go do whatever you want on your phones or something. Oh, and Match?" Match turned around, and he said: "You're invited to the graduation." Match looked pretty surprised when he said that. "Looks like he can be nice when he wants to, huh?" I turned around, and said: "Yep." Leafy smiled, and said: "Tell me the secret please!" "No." "Please?" "No." "Pretty Please?" "Only if you do my chores for a week and wait a little bit." Leafy laughed a bit and said: "Oh, hell no. I'm not doing your chores! You can do them yourself!" "Fine, but since you didn't want to do my chores, I guess it'll have to wait." "Such a shame, because I was going to tell YOU " Oh, goddamnit.

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