A familiar somebody

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Firey POV:

I need to win the spelling bee!!! I was walking down the hallway, Pencil still staring at me with that horrifying grin, I shudder as I find Leafy at my locker, waiting for me. "LEAFY!!! LEAFY!!! You've got to help me win the spelling bee!" She looks at me with a confused look, and says:"Why? I thought you were doing well in class and-" "Leafy! She's going to tell my crush how I feel about her in front of me if I lose! And I'm going to be her slave for one month!" She stares at me, mouth wide. "That's so unfair! I'm going to help you in any way I can." We walked to Homeroom, and sat down just as the bell rang. I caught Pencil smirking out of the corner of my eye, and I shuddered. Holy oxygen, curse it, I gotta win!

"Welcome back to homeroom, class."

"Good morning, Professor Four."

"Today we will be talking about life. You know, in high school, there is a lot of peer pressure, parenting problems, and boyfriend-girlfriend dilemma. A lot of you look stressed today, so I think we should break up into groups of 2, and talk to one another about our problems. Go!!!"

We cluttered around, stumbling and walking at the same time due to the 35 people trying to move out of their desks at the same time.


We made a line as quickly as possible. He then started pairing us up by the order we were lined up with. I got paired with Leafy. "So Leafy, anything to talk about?"

*timeskip to afternoon

Leafy POV:

"Alright, class dismissed, remember to finish your algebra homework!"

"Goodbye Professor X!"

As we walked out of school, I said to Firey:"Wanna race back to the tree house?" "Sure! But we both take different routes."

It was snowing, so we split up. I took the left route, which was faster. As I started running to Firey's home, I saw, out of the corner of my eye, a white truck flashing by, and taking a U-turn. I shook it of, because it wasn't following me. I started running even faster, and I was horrified to see... WHAT THE TREE???

The person behind the wheel was staring evily at me. That person... T-that person... It's MATCH!!! SHE BUSTED OUT OF JUVIE! Crap, I started running even faster. "Oh, Like you aren't going to get away, Leafy." It was a megaphone! Gosh darnit, I knew I shouldn't have raced with Firey. I ran, but a person in a ski mask went out and grabbed me by the throat. "Like, don't you like, even dare." Match held me personaly. "This guy is called Noose. He was put in juvie for a few months before he busted out with me. You know why he was put in juvie?" I hastily shook my head. "It was because he strangled a lot of people. And hanged them. Most of them had disabilities afterwards, and so, will, you." 

I stared, terrified in the unmoving grip of Noose. He had grey eyes, red with lust for blood. I said:"Oh! There are sirens! They must be in your tail!" "Shut. Up." He said as he squeezed my throat tighter. I felt like fainting. Suddenly, I saw Firey running around the corner and looking right at me. He waved, and pulled out his cell phone. He dialed 911, and yelled :"HELLO? THERE IS A KIDNAPPING WITH A WHITE VAN THAT DOESN'T HAVE A LISCENCE PLATE! COME ON AND ARREST THESE GUYS! LOCATION? IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF PEACEFUL GROVE!" Then he tucked it in his pocket. "Haha, you guys are going back." A helicopter sound came, and Noose squeezed his hand even tighter. He said:"Alright, I am going to kill you right here right now." Then he squezed m throat to the point I was choking. Just about when I felt like I was going to die, the grip loosened, and Match shouted:"NO!" The body of Noose fell to the ground with a sickening thump.

*timeskip 10 minutes later

Firey POV:

"Leafy! Leafy!" I shout as I run to her. She sees me, and she runs to me. We hugged, as if it were the last time."Oh Leafy, I thought I would lose you!" She strokes my hair, saying:"It's okay, Firey... I'm fine..." I'm really glad she's okay. Leafy started crying, and I comforted her by carrying her over to my house, ad setting her on my bed. I climbed on top of the blankets, and tucked her in. I said:"Do you want to talk?" She opened her eyes and nodded. "Okay, tell me everything that happened."

Then she told me everything that happened. Noose, Match, kidnap, God. When She were done, I said:"It's fine... It'll be okay... Just forget this ever happened, just don't say anything." She nodded and closed her eyes. I told my mom that she was over for a sleepover because it was already dark. I took my sleeping bag out of the closet, and slowly and quietly laid it out. I saw that she was already asleep... So I kissed her on the forehead. Then I climbed in my sleeping bag, dreaming of Leafy...

Okay, so intense chapter. I know. When I'm done with this book, I'ma edit it to fix all the things. I'm not going to edit the main plot line, just edit the side plots a little. Match busting out of Juvie, still got my pulse going. Anyways, Comment, Like and Follow. Epicemrald Out!

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