Spelling Bee?

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Firey POV: 

Well, I talked to the cashier beforehand, and I payed for it all. Now Leafy should owe me a greater debt, I think? Maybe mention it to do some friendly blackmailing? Eh. Who cares. Anyways, the cashier is one of my dad's friends, and I got it.



"Say, there's a spelling bee at school. Maybe we could join? The final Spelling Bee is during December."

"Hmm... Sounds fun. Sure! Let's listen to Mr. Announcer tomorrow during class."

*timeskip to the day before Halloween(leafy and Fiery also finished their letters and already turned them in)

Leafy POV:


"Shut up!"

I slam my hand on the stop button. Typical Friday. One moment you're sleeping peacefully, the next you get rudely awakened by the annoying sound of the alarm. I have yet to discover what is happening today, and already my head is raving to go and explore with Firey. Firey, Firey, Firey. Oh, if he only knew how I felt about him.

I get up, get dressed, go downstairs, and make myself breakfast. I also take some time to think about which place to take Firey to go trick-or-treating. "AH-HA!" I exclaim. The rich people's places, where we get all the king sized and gourmet candy!(I usually plan where I go trick-or-treating to maximize my candy outcome XD) But unfourtuanately, Match is also one of them. She is a rich, spoiled brat who treats even her friends horrible, such as Bubble.

I finish eating, and call Firey.

"Hey Firey!"

"Hey Leafy!"

"I know the perfect place to go trick-or-treating: the place near the annual haunted house! Everybody around that place is rich and serious about Halloween."

"Hey, you're right! But the only problem is that Match lives there."

"Yeah, she's probably staying home and handing out candy."

"Hmm... I have a way around Match's house..."

*timeskip to homeroom

"How 'bout we go around the corner where match's house is, then we take the road ahead? Then once we reach the end, we u-turn and cross the street once we get to Match's house. Then we don't have to see her face at all!"


"Yes Four!"

OMZ. I hate Four's important announcements. Wait a minute, Mr. Announcer, or Speaky box, was with him!(speaky box is a nickname for the announcer LOL) Say! the Spelling bee! maybe they're here to say something about it!

"Okay peoples listen up! There is a spelling bee in December, where you can sign up for at the bulletin board right outside your class. If you sign up for it, you get one point of extra credit."

Haha. Match is definitely going to get that extra credit.

"Nobody's going to, like, sign up for the, like, spelling bee because it has, like absolutely no extra credits."


Firey POV:

OMOOMOOMOOMOOMOOMOOMOOMOOMOOMO!!!!!!!! AN AUTOMATIC A???!!! OMO, I better sign up for it! Actually, on second thought, if I lose, then I won't get an A. So that means I still have to study hard! Hey, let me ask Leafy!

"Hey Leafy! Are you going to sign up for it?"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? OF COURSE I'M SIGNING UP!!! But if I  lose, I'm not gonna get it. So, like you, I'm gonna study hard."

"Since when did you start using slang terms?"

"Uh, IDK."

"So, everybody's gone now."

"Yeah. Greedy little brutes."

"Well, we'd better get moving! Let's ROOMBA FOR THE SPELLING BEE!!!"

"Calm down, Firey. You don't wanna waste your energy, do you?"

"Yeah... Let's go..."


6th chapter done! Hope I can get a few more likes on this thing, otherwise I might be demotivated to write about anything. I wanna start a new fanfic, though. Any ideas? Minecraft? Harry Potter? Inanimate Insanity? IDK, so outro time! Comment, Like, and Follow!!! Epicemrald out!!!

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