Fun day pt. 3 (this is the last part of fun day)

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This is for the 220 views. Enjoy!

Leafy POV:

OH GOD. This feels exactly like a date. I really wanna hold Firey's hand; whenever I high-fived him back in the day, I would always say "WARRRM..." You know what? I will hold his hand. As I slowly go up to him, I attempt to reach out, and... NOPE! I am way too shy to hold his hand. Maybe later today I will go for it? And confess? NONONO LEAFY YOU WILL NOT CONFESS. DO YOU WANT YOU AND FIREY'S FRIENDSHIP TO END??? "Leafy? Leafy? LEAFY???"

"Uhhhhhhhh-GAH!!! You scared me."

"Oh sorry, I heard you mumbling about a friendship or something."

Oh god. I was talking out loud??? Thank goodness he didn't hear.

"I-it was nothing!"

"Oh. Okay."

"Anyways, about that amusement park.."

"Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you that there will be games to play, but you will have to pay money."

"Oh, that's fine! I brought 50 bucks to play those rigged games. I believe you're good at them."

"Oh! We're at the entrance!"

*timeskip 10 minutes later

Firey POV:

Holy oxygen. This feels just like a date. I wanna hold her hand, but she'd probably jerk her hand away and glare at me, marking the end of our friendship. Anyways, after we got our tickets, we saw a roller-coaster called the Hellrider. Cool name, time to ride it!

"Leafy, are you scared of going on roller-coasters? Because if you are, we don't have to go on them."

"Oh Firey, I love the way how you are so considerate to me. But no, I ain't afraid of roller-coasters one bit! Don't you remember I got first place for spinning around while not throwing up?"

"Oh yeah! Now let's ride the Hellrider!"

*timeskip 5  minutes

Kay, we're at the front of the line now. I love riding roller-coasters! It's our turn now! The PA starts playing a tape:"Hello, and welcome to your ultimate doom. If you want to experience this and come out alive, then fasten your seat belts, and make sure your valuables are stored in the cupboard to the right. If all of this is done, then wait for the other people to do so." After one minute or so, the ride attendant said:"Ready?" "Yes!!!" we replied. Then he said,"Alright... GO GO GO!!!" He pulled a lever, then the ride started moving.

Oh no. There is a loop. Oh good god, I love those loops. As the roller-coaster started picking up speed, we were suddenly plummeting down then upside down, then we were spun around real fast. We were all screaming while we were riding this. Then something grabbed my hand, although I don't know what that was.

*timeskip 2 minutes later

Woo... now THAT is a long ride. As I got out, I noticed the thing that grabbed me was a hand attached to an arm, attached to WHAA?????

Leafy POV:

Wow, I've forgotten how intense roller-coasters would be.  After I got out, I saw my hand was clenched on FIREY'S??? Oh Leafy, why? Why would you do this to me?



"Hi Firey!"

"Hey Leafy! I just won the elementary school chess tournament!!!"

"Wow! High-five!"

"Your hand is always warm..."

*second scene

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