The spelling bee pt. 1

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Firey POV:

When I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping, I see the ime is six 'o clock. WAIT A MINUTE. WAIT JUST A SECOND. OH NO! TOMORROW'S THE SPELLING BEE!!! I've been doing horrible in Prof. Four's class. I have a -A! My parents will confiscate my phone if I get a B+ or lower!!! NONONONONONO NOT TODAY!!! My phone started ringing, with a call from Leafy.


"Firey, today's the spelling bee! Are you excited?"


"Okay Firey, calm down first. You gotta just go with the flow here."

I slowly take in deep breaths and then say:"Remember Prof. Four's saying? Well, I have an A- in this class, and my parents will confiscate my phone if I get lower than a A-! Also, Pencil's bet, saying that she'll spill the beans about me liking yo- I mean, my crush. God, I am so freaking scared right now."

She gasped, and said:"Alright then, I'll call up all of our friends, to help you." Then she hung up.

Leafy... Help me get past this horrible thing...

*timeskip 10 minutes

DING-DONG! "THE DOOR'S OPEN!!!" I shout. Leafy comes in, leading our group of friends: Needle, Coiny, Woody, Pin, Snowball, Teardrop, Pen, Flower, and Blocky. I said:"Okay everybody, you gotta help me win the spelling bee. My position at school is going to be affected if I lose." Then they all gasp, and Coiny said:"Wait, the school's going to know that you like Le-MMMPPHH!!!" He did that when I put my hand on his mouth, covering what he was saying, and whispering:"Dude, she's right here! Shut up!" He nodded his head, andI removed my hand. "Anyways, I need you guys to help me study." They all nodded their heads rapidly and showed me the list of words. 

Chronological, Doubt, Gene, Prescription, Fahrenheit, Celcius, Pegasi, Redundancy. And that was only the 1st line. Oh my dear god, this is going to be a very long day.

*timeskip afternoon

Leafy POV:

When we walked out of class, Firey was shivering with fear. Pencil was giving him the evil eye the whole time in school; when we walked down hallways, when we ate lunch, even in our classes. She kept smirking at me though, for some reason. I whispered to Firey:"I'm proud of you for taking it straight. Pencil may be the smartest person in the school, she may be ,ean and she may be popular, but you have what she doesn't. you have heart. Don't let her words pierce you like a knife." He straightened up, and said:"Gosh darnit, I will win that spelling bee even if I had to give my soul to the Devil." I laughed, and said:"Don't jinx it." We both then laughed. "you always make me feel better, Leafy. You are the reason why I stand here today, looking at the sunrise." I rolled my eyes, and said:"Stop acting all heroic on me. Just a thank-you saying is enough to compensate for my lifetime of good deeds." He laughed, and said:"Race you to the tree house!"

*timeskip to treehouse

As we climbed up the tree house, I said: "Alright, let's help you study..."

Sorry for the short chapter. Wanted to work on more but I had lots of math to do. But still... THe spelling bee is here... In december... Anyways, Comment, Like, and Follow! Epicemrald OUT!

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