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Ok, this one is for Thanksgiving. I got caught up with nothing to do today, just eating some hotpot is what I'm doing for Thanksgiving. What are you guys doing? Comment below, and I will make another chapter if there is more than 50 comments. ONLY ONE COMMENT PER PERSON. YOU CAN CHAT ON FUNDAY PT.2. Also sorry I'm late again.

Leafy POV:

As I was sleeping, my phone started ringing. I woke up and I looked at who called me. It was Firey. I picked up the phone and said:"Hello?"

"Leafy, it's Thanksgiving!"

"Oh my god! It is! Wait for me at the tree house, okay?"

"Okay. See you there!"

Then I pressed the end call button. I then jumped out of bed, pulled off my night clothes, and selected some new ones and put them on. I then made some breakfast. Since it was Thanksgiving, I decided to eat more healthier. Don't get me wrong, I still put my bread in the toaster. I just didn't add any maple syrup on my toast. When I finished my milk, I washed the dishes, put them back in the cupboard, and ran to Firey's backyard. Our houses are right next to each other, so I just have to go to my backyard, and hop over the fence. I climbed up the ladder, and saw Firey sitting there, playing on his laptop.

"Hi Firey! Happy Thanksgiving!"

"You too, Leafy!"

"Say, you doing anything today? 'Cause it's thanksgiving?"

"Oh yeah! We're having a feast! I invited lots of people to my house, because my mom told me so. So, you comming? I forgot to tell you, because I was building a treehouse yesterday with you."

"Of course! Who else did you invite?"

"Hmm... Snowball, Needle, Woody, Teardrop, GB, TB, Pin, Coiny, and Pen."

"Wow, that's a lot of people."

"I know! So, all their parents are comming too! Also, they don't know that Woody and Td are dating. Should I ask them first to see if it's okay with them to tell them?"

"Sure! I have both of their phone numbers."

I opened my phone, and I sent them both texts:

( italicized is character in POV)

Td, the people who don't know that you and woody dating, is it ok if we tell them?


Thanks td

"Firey! TD agreed too let us tell them during the feast!

"Okay, let's just chill in the tree house for now. I'm kinda bored. Wanna play a two player game?"

"Sounds good to me! Let's do it!"

*timeskip to friend arrival

Firey POV:

Ding-Dong! Oh! That must be somebody! "DOOR'S OPEN!" I shouted. That person then opened and closed the door, then walked to the back yard. Wait, it's Woody and Teardrop! And they're holding hands.

"N-n-i-ice t-tr-ree h-ho-ous-se F-f-f-ir-rey."

"Thanks Woody! It's glad to see somebody appreciates the work we did in this tree house."

Then Teardrop did... Sign language? I can't understand that.

Then Leafy said:"Oh, Teardrop said that she likes the tree house too."

"Oh,"I say. "Thanks Teardrop!"

Then she nods her head.


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