Fourth project

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Hey yall peeps, sorry for not updating for so long. I had to do my homework and successfully get through some life stuff. Also, I decided when to end this book. I will end it as soon as my school year comes to an end (somewhere around june) buuuuuut, there might... MIGHT be a sequel. Just wait and see kids! In the meantime, enjoy!

Firey POV:

As I woke up today, I was bored. I looked outside the window, and the snow was a melted pile of mush. The sun was shining and the snow finally melted. I was bored, so I texted Leafy a little.

*In texts*

Leafy: Hi firey

Firey: Hi leafy

Leafy: I'm sad that we have to go back to school today. Are you too?

Firey: Yup. I think that school is there

Firey: To kill us mentally and physically.

Leafy: LOL haha

Firey: Anyways, can I come over to your house?

Leafy: Sure! See you... 5 minutes later?

Firey: I just got up but okay haha! I guess I'm eating breakfast at your place then!

Leafy: See you then! Bi!!! <3

Firey: Biiiii! <3

*Back to real life*

Oh my oxygen. I was texting her but I did NOT expect her to send a freaking heart emoji. Oh well! Time to go to her house!

Leafy POV:

DING DONG! "Oh! The door's open!"I shouted. Firey came in, looking like he just ran a marathon. "What's with the face, Leafy?" "You look like you just came straight from a marathon." "It was so cold outside, so I had to run to get here. The snow finally melted though."

Firey and I looked at each other. We started laughing, and Firey said: "Breakfast!"

Firey opened the drawer and expertly flipped the pancakes onto the pan. He is a god at cooking stuff, I swear. I looked at him and said: "Wow, Firey, I knew that you had these type of skills, but tossing them expertly, now that's a whole new level." He laughed at me and said: "Ah, well what did you expect? I am zee great god of zee cooking, you will probably like zee food that you will conzume." I laughed at his funny accent. I said: "Ah, you are really weird, like always." As he flipped a pancake, I couldn't help but notice something in his pocket. It looked like a photo of someone. As he flipped it, the thing dropped, and I stepped on it. Good to look at it later. So I pretended to bend over to pick something else up, and I got his photo. I kinda felt guilty though, but I was going to return it later.

I took one look at the picture and I mentally gasped. It said: "Leafy's best moments", and on it was a photo album that had a green cover and a scrapbook of me doing things. Like me at the fair with Firey when we were 8, me looking at a rocket ship in the space museum, and loads of other stuff. I decided to say: "Firey, ya dropped this." He looked at me and said: "Ah! Thanks Lea-WHOA WHOA WHOA I dropped this?!" He hid it quickly and turned around. I thought I saw a faint tinge of red on his cheeks. WHOA. So does he like me? I dunno.

After he was done eating his pancakes and I had finished my milk, we washed the dishes and started to walk to school. It was awkward, just me looking at the front and his breath comming out of his mouth like little puffs of smoke in the winter air. I decided to start the conversation with the best starting sentence: "So uh, hows life?" He replied: "Ah, it's fine. How's yours?" "Eh, good enough. Say, didn't Professor Four say that he was going to give us a project at the end of the break?" He stopped, stunned. And he said: "Oh man, again? Ok fine, but this time I am kinda reluctant; we've had so much homework over the break."

*timeskip to homeroom

"Hello class and welcome back from break. Was it good?" Murmurs of assent filled the classroom. He smiled and said: "Good. Now, if you guys remember, I said that we are going to have a project today. It is due by the end of next week, so you all should have plenty of time to do it. This project is kinda hard, so you need to try. We are going to create a poster of what we learned so far, and this contributes GREATLY, GREATLY, to the selection of the wishes." Now, excited murmuring filled the class. Pin turned to me, and said: "Wow, so we're finally going to start the wish selection?" "Eyup."

As I went up to get the poster paper, Firey tapped my shoulder. "We're working together, right? "

"Of course!" I replied.

Whoooooooooooof! I haven't written like this in such a long time! It is in the middle of the night, and I shouldn't be doing this, but I missed this story. Now, I think it's time for the good 'ol outro. Like, Comment, and Follow! Epicemrald out!!!

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