Fun day pt.1

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Leafy POV:

Wow! Today's a Saturday! which means I can do whatever I want! But I have  no idea what I am supposed to do. Hey! I'm going to call Firey to see what he thinks we should do! Got my phone... Opened the call app... Click on "Firey"... Wait for a moment...


"Firey, this is Leafy. Do you wanna do something today? Y'know, for fun?"

"Sure! What did you have in mind?"

"Uhh... Nothing. That's why I called you up to see if you had any ideas."

"Hmm... Maybe we can go to that brand new amusement park? Or the arcade next to the mall? Or the mall?"

"Why don't we just go to all of them?"

"Heeeeeey, Perfect idea!!! Where do you wanna go first?"

"Let's go to the arcade, then the mall, then the amusement park! Y'know, in the methodological way!"

"Kay! Meet me at my house 10 minutes later!"

Now just to press that end call button...BOOP!

*timeskip 10 minutes later

I'm at Firey's house now! Press the doorbell...

"Hi Leafy!"

"Hey Firey! You ready?"


"C'mon then! Let's walk there!"

*timeskip 20 minutes later

So this is the arcade that Firey was talking about? Wow. This place is huge! Wow!

"Hey Leafy, my dad works here. He talked to the boss of his, and the boss said he'd let us play for free!"

"Wow! When I get to your house again, I'll be sure to thank him!"

"But for now, let's talk to that lady at the registration counter."

Firey POV:

I walk up to her, feeling confident."Hi!"

"Hello. Oh, you must be Firey! Here are your pre-paid cards."

"Oh, thanks! Oh yeah, if you see my dadaround, be sure to give him this." I hand the lady a 50 dollar amazon gift card.

"You are such a thoughtful son! As a reward, you can use those cards forever, each time you come to the arcade!"


"It's my pleasure!"

I walk back to Leafy, feeling exhilarated.

"Leafy, here!"

I hand her the card.

"Why is there a infinity sign on it?"

"Oh, 'cause you can use it forever."


"Yup. Now let's PLAY SOME GAMES!!!"

I walk over to the rigged game center. Time to win some phones, plushies, and gift cards for my womderful Leafy.

"You're in love with that girl, right?"

I quickly turn around, and I see the boss of the mall come along.

"My name's Joystick. Now let me ask you again, are you in love with that girl?"

"Yeah,"I say.

"Well don't let this opportunity come to waste! These rigged games are easy to win if you can think very well. Here, let me show you..."

*timeskip 20 minutes later

Wow, I had no idea that Joystick was so nice! He showed me how to do the grabber hand, the key hole game, and the ring toss too! Now I can ace those games with four or five tries! Now I have 2 phones, a plushie, and a 100 dollar amazon gift card. Let's see, the phone to Leafy, the 100 dollar gift card to Joystick, and the plushie as a joke gift, to my dad. And of course, the phone to me. Hehe...

I crept behind Leafy, as she was playing a fishing game, waited untill she was finished, and said "BOO!"

"AAAAAGGGHHH! Firey, don't scare me like that!"

"'kay, 'kay. I'm gonna give you this phone I won from the keyhole game!"

"Whoawhoawhoa, Wait up. You, are going to give me, a phone?"

"Yep. Won it from the rigged game center."

"Oh Firey, thank you. I love how you always care about me, and how you are such a good friend."

Then she hugged me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Joystick, gave him a thumbs-up and winked

After we broke the hug, we played some more games. I can't believe Leafy is so good at these type of games! She won nearly over 50 thousand tickets! I have the best crush in the universe...

*timeskip 1 hour later

"Okay, Firey. I'm getting you that 40-thousand ticket 3ds, okay?"

"Wow, Leafy! You don't have to do th-"

Next thing I know, I was dumbstruck as the lady from the counter took out a 3ds and gave it to me. I can't believe Leafy would do such a nice thing to me.

"You bought me a phone, so I get you a gaming console. Oh, looks like I'm out of tickets!"

All I see is Leafy with a whole bag of prizes, as she proudly starts forward to the other parts of the mall.

I'm beginning to enjoy this day so much...

This is a reward for the milestone of views! The next milestone for views is 250, and the comments and votes milestones are 100. Oh yeah, I loved writing this chapter. Love you guys for it! Now it's the anticipated outro time! Like, Comment and Follow! EPICEMRALD OUT!!!

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