Snowy School

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Firey POV:

When I wake up this morning feeling groggy, I put my hand to my cheek, to feel it.

That kiss.

I still can't believe that Leafy kissed me. Maybe she does like me. Hm... Oh yeah! I forgot today there was school! As I run down the stairs, I look out he window, to find "WHAT???"

Wait, did I say that aloud? If I did, then I probably woke up everybody else in the house.

Oh well, time to make some breakfast!

*timeskip 5 minutes later

Bring! Bring! Bring! Bri-


"Hey Firey! Today it snowed! There are lots of it outside! Better get ready with that thick jacket of your's. If I remember correctly, you have hydrophobia. If you're scared of water, you are definitely scared of snow!"

"Oh, how I hate you..."

"Aw, come on, Firey!There's nothing to be afraid of!Just take a step in the snow! You'll be fine!"

"Alright, alright, but just for you. I'm coming over too your house if that's okay to you."

"Kay, bye!"

Leafy POV:

As I turn of my phone, I start daydreaming about Firey. He is in my mind constantly, but I don't really cling to him that much. DING-DONG! Ooh! The door! "It's open!"I shout. Firey then comes in, wearing a orange jacket, with yellow earmuffs. I said:"Come in! I think we have about 20 minutes till it's time to walk. How's your day going so far?"

"Oh, my day is really going down. First, I saw all the snow outside and I am afraid of snow, second, I made breakfast, as quietly as possible to not wake up my mom, and third, I forgot to study for today's algebra test."

"Oh dear... Well in that case, let me help you out!"

"Really? Thanks, Leafy!"

"Okay, so now let's see..."

*timeskip 15 minutes later

"And that's it, I think!"

"Yeah. Hey, let's walk to school!"

But before Firey went outside, I grabbed him and said:"Thanks for coming over to my house. You're my best friend and I would never want to lose someone as precious as you."

The he blushed. WAIT WHAT??? HE BLUSHED??? Oh my god, I gotta add it to my small wall of victories. It's my private board under my bed, and I created it when I first met Firey. I put a drawing of us holding hands on there too. I also had a bunch of photos of my friends. But the one in the middle was a picture of us two, leaning against each other at our eight grade graduation.


"Oh, right! Let's walk to school!"

Now we both walk outside. It's like a miracle out here. The snow is shinning, the winds are blowing, and Thanksgiving is almost here.

Firey POV:

Okay, Firey. You can do it. Just take her hand, don't be shy. Just do it. Just do it, for water's sake! I glance at Leafy, who is looking absolutely cute right now. I take a deep breath, then my hand starts to go to her hand, when her hand clenches on to mine. I am calm on the outside, but in my inside I am freaking out. OMOOMOOMOOMO SHE ACTUALLY HELD MY HAND!!! God, could this day get any better?

"Uh, Firey? We're here."

"Oh! So we are!"

*time skip to algebra class

"Hello, class!"

"Good afternoon, Proffesor X!"

"As you all know, today there is a test on chapter 5. Of course, the person who does the best will receive extra credit points."

"Passing out the test right now, when you are done, please turn it in!"

*timeskip 20 minutes

Wow, that test was easier than I thought! Hmm... Let me wait 10 minutes to give professor X the time he needs to grade his papers.

*timeskip 10 minutes

"Very well, class. You all did awesome! Snowball, I'm glad to see you have improved. You got a nine out of ten! You are one of the top 3!"

(cheering for snowball)

"And the ones who tied for first, full credit, are Leafy and Firey!"


"that's it for today, class! See you tomorrow!"

*timeskip 10 minutes

Leafy POV:

"Hey Firey! Do you wanna build a snowman?"

"Leafy, stop quoting Frozen."

"Fine. but do you want to build a snowman?"


We pick out the spot in front of Leafy's front yard, and start with the base. We slowly take a tiny snowball, and roll it into a bigger sphere. Then we make another one, then another one, and stack them all. We find a lot of sticks and start picking the spare little branches off of the big branch. Then we attach the sticks, and get 2 buttons and some pine cones. I didn't want to waste a perfectly good carrot, so we just left it like that. Firey and I then took a selfie with the snowman. "Ahh... That was so fun!" I say.

"Leafy, I always enjoy having fun with you. You wanna come inside my house to have some hot cocca, then do our homework?"


Alright. I got this chapter done 17 minutes late. I promised my friend liz_buttercup that this chapter would be out by 3-o'clock, but I think I took too long doing my homework. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I live in California, and it never snows where I live. I love skiing in the winter, and building snowmen. In the next chapter, the ski resort will open. So keep an eye out for it! Like, Comment, and Follow! Epicemrald OUT!!! PEACE!!!

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