It's Woody and Teardrop! pt.2

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*time is after school

Woody POV:

Why, why does her name have to be everywhere? I cry teardrops. Their shape, their blue, blue color reminds me of her hair. I hate myself, for the parents who abuse me, for the person who rejected me, for everything that life did to me.

And then I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Uh, Woody? You okay?"

"y-ye-es, I'm F-f-fi-fine."

"Teardrop wants to talk to you in private, at her house."

"Re-really? H-how d-do y-y-you kn-now that sh-sh-she's ju-ust g-go-going to r-re-ject me ag-gain?"

"She told me that she has a little feeling for you. Just go to her house, she'll be waiting for you."

"O-okay. B-but on o-one c-c-con-d-dition,"

"Okay, what?"

"Y-you n-ne-need t-t-to m-make s-sur-re she d-do-doesn't a-abu-abuse me."

"Why? Why would she abuse you? Wait. Who have you been abused by before?"

"P-parents." Now my big secret is revealed. Leafy opens her mouth, and her eyes go wide. She slowly closes her mouth, and say:"Okay Woody. You can do this. Just go into her house. I'll call the police on your parents for child abuse while you go inside her house."


Teardrop POV:

I pace back and forth in my room. My mom is busy making dinner, because she cooks wonderful food. DING-DONG! Omg, he actually agreed! Alright, now time to face my biggest fear and regret. I hope this goes as planned. As I listen behind the door, I hear my mom talking to Woody.

"H-h-hel-lo, I n-ne-need t-to see t-t-tear-dr-dro-drop..."

"Oh sweetie, Teardrop's room is on the left after you reach the cross in the hallway."

After that, I hear footsteps.

Then I hear a few weak knocks.

I slowly get out of my bed, and open the door as slowly as possible.


He's really there.

Hi Woody.

"H-hi T-t-tear-d-dr-drop... Y-you w-wanted t-to t-talk?"

I nod. Then I close the door, and motion him to go sit on my bed. He climbs on, and sits on my bed. I sit next to him.

First of all, I'm sorry for rejecting you all those years ago. I have a picture of you on my nightstand to remind me of you.

He looks over, and is surprised to see himself smiling in the photo.

"Y-you h-have a p-pic-ctur-re of m-me?"

Yeah... And second of all, I have something to confess...

"Wh-what?" Now he suddenly looks nervous.

Please don't overreact.

"I-if I o-over-r-rea-act y-you c-c-can p-pun-nch m-mr li-light-ly."

I smile, then take a deep breath.

I, I like you... No, more than that. I...I...I love you.

Woody POV:

She, she WHAT???


"Wh-why d-do y-y-ou t-t-e-tell me n-now?" I said while I cry thick streams of tears.

I love you, and that's that. She then starts crying. I love you because I think you're strong, never falling down or giving up when some nasty bully comes along. I love you because I think you are handsome. And most importantly, I love you... because you're... you. You're perfect the way you are.

I start crying even more, then I envelope Teardrop in a hug. I lean on her shoulder, and she hugs me back. She rubs me on the back, trying to calm me down. After a minute or so, I calm down, and wipe my eyes, and tell her:

"I h-have a c-cr-ush o-on y-you t-t-oo."

Teardrop then kisses me on the mouth.

Ahh... That feeling is so good... She actually  loves me too...

Once we broke the kiss, I ask her:"S-so a-a-re w-we a th-th-hing n-now?"

She smiles, and slowly nods.

Now I have a reason to live...

*timeskip 5 minutes later

As I walk out of her house with Teardrop, I try to slowly grab her hand, but then she looks at me with a smirk and grabs my hand entirely. We start walking to my house. Wait, why do the police sirens grow louder and louder when I walk to my house? WAIT A SECOND. Could it be...?


My parents!

"Y-you m-ma-made m-m-y li-li-fe m-mis-miser-rable. Y-you h-hi-it m-me."

"Alright Woody, we're sorry that we hit you. When we go out of jail is 20 years, we will be sure to look at you with a loving smile each time."



I smile.


Life is now awesome in the course of one day. I got a girlfriend, my parents will be nicer to me, and I have a reason to live now. I will love Teardrop with every beat of my heart.

From this moment... I will... love her with every beat of my heart.

Then I kissed her passionately. Her lips feel nice... with a hint of mint...

I stood there with Teardrop for a minute or so, then we broke the kiss...

She then stared in my eyes, looking as happy as she could be.

I will love you, with every beat of my heart... I will protect you when people come to bully you... I will... 

My dreams have come true... For the first time ever...

"When I'm w-w-ith y-you..."





I will update once more today, as a honor for the new cover.

See you guys in the afternoon, where I update once more!

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