Day 5: Coffee shop

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The days have gotten even slower in the afternoons. Snow is falling fast and hard, and Ryan's watching it, sighing quietly and trying not to let his anxiousness show. Dallon sits and drinks his coffee, and then his phone goes off. Ryan's does too.

"'Blizzard severity warnings high, stay indoors until further notice'," Dallon repeats what's on his phone, and Ryan looks at him with fear. 

"No, no, no, no, I can't be stuck here. I-I have to go and see Jac, o-or she's gonna be pissed. I'm leaving, I can't..." Ryan goes to the back and grabs his thin jacket. It's all he has, but he doesn't care. He tries to open the door, but has troubles, as the wind is harshly pulling the door. Dallon stands just as he gets the door open. The air gets colder and Dallon wraps his arms around Ryan, pulling him back. He closes the door.

"Do you really wanna be stuck with a snobby girl like that?" He asks softly, and Ryan tenses a bit. He's tried breaking up with Jac about 9 times in the past year, and Dallon knows how unhappy he is because of the times he would show up at Dallon's house while nearly crying, sometimes breaking down. Ryan's unhappy, but he's too nice to break up with her because she cries and makes him think he's to blame. 

Ryan thinks of his two options: stuck with his whiny, mean girlfriend he doesn't want after walking miles in a severe blizzard, or stay with his crush inside of a small coffeeshop.

"Not really, no," Ryan answers truthfully. They kissed the last time that he went over. That was two nights ago. Ryan remembers it clearly. He was crying about Jac again.

Dallon rubs Ryan's arm in comfort as Ryan rests his head on Dallon's shoulder. His other hand goes to Ryan's leg, and he tenses slightly as butterflies flutter in his chest.

Ryan sits up and looks at him, and they stare into each other's eyes. They both slowly begin to lean in until their lips gently collide. They pull away, and Ryan gets a surge of excitement. He swings around and sits on top of Dallon, reconnecting their lips, this time being much more heated.

"I was gonna try to break up with her," Ryan says, and Dallon reaches into Ryan's apron. Ryan bites his lip because of exactly where his hand is. Dallon pulls out Ryan's phone.

"Call her. I'm here for you this time," Dallon says. Ryan smiles nervously and pulls up Jac's contact. "See, you have a heart next to my name and not hers." 

Ryan blushes, and Dallon smiles. Ryan presses call and puts it on speaker. Jac soon answers, and immediately starts yelling at Ryan about how he's a fuck up and how he can't even do the simple task of showing up to her house when she's oh so cold from the blizzard. 

Ryan feels his anxiety kick in. Jac's made him cry more than he's made her.

"Where the hell are you?!" She screams. Dallon stares at the phone in disbelief. Now he understands why Ryan is so unhappy. All she seems to do is bring him down and scream at him when he does something she doesn't like.

"I-I... um... I'm snowed in, I-"

"Are you serious?! You can't even make the effort to leave and come to me?! I'm freezing here, and you know how much I hate being alone!" 

"Say it," Dallon whispers comfortingly in Ryan's ear.

"I called to break up with you," Ryan quickly says.

"What? Baby, I'm so sorry, you know I don't mean any of that. I'm just scared and I don't wanna lose you, baby, I'm so sorry," Jac immediately responds, and guilt rises up in Ryan. 

"I... I'm sorry, I know, I know," he says, stepping away from Dallon. Dallon shakes his head, turning Ryan around and pulling him close. He crashes their lips together, and Ryan melts.

"So, you're staying with me?" Jac asks. They don't pull away just yet, but when they do, Dallon speaks softly.

"I wouldn't treat you like that."

"I know," Ryan whispers.

"Ryan?" Jac asks again.

"No, I'm not. I've known someone who actually loves me, and I think I'd rather have him." Ryan hangs up and wraps his arms around Dallon's neck, kissing him again. Dallon smiles and kisses back. 

"I guess I should finally ask, Ryan, do you wanna be my boyfriend?" Dallon asks, and Ryan nods happily. 


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