Day 13: Vinyl

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Ryan sits on the floor, watching the black plastic spin in circles as music echoes across the apartment. It's snowing heavily, and that relaxes the small honey-eyed boy. 

He has his knees bent, arms wrapped around them and chin resting on them. The song plays elegantly, occasional scratches and pops, and Ryan closes his eyes. His pajama pants are soft, fiancé's sweater keeping him warm. The hard floors are freezing, hence why he has on the very soft slippers that Sarah made him last year.

The door opens and Ryan smiles. The door closes, keys hang up, coat and scarf off, shoes off bag down, and Dallon sits behind Ryan, chest pressed against his back.

"How was work?" Ryan asks as Dallon wraps his arms around him tightly.

"Horrible, but I'm with you so it's okay now. Why are we watching the vinyl?"

"It's just interesting. It's... it's just spinning and playing a story, telling the story of the song, the writer's words. You can see how many times the story's been told, and that's just....amazing..." Ryan explains, and Dallon smiles. They look at each other.

"I love you and your mind."

"My mind and I love you too," Ryan says. Dallon hums, kissing him quickly. They pull away and just sit close, Ryan's arms overlapping Dallon's and his head resting back on Dallon's shoulder, their eyes focused on the vinyl as they sit with a faint smile on their lips.

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