Day 22: Neighbors

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Taking a deep breath has always been hard. I hear it but I don't listen. No one seems to care anyway, if I'm alright or not. They just tell me to take a deep breath and by then I just shut them out because it's the same thing over and over again. 

I just continue to cry, pain filling my chest and my head. It's quiet, but I put on some Christmas music in attempt to get me to stop crying. It's not working. Not yet, at least. I'm alone. I have been for a long time. No one's gonna love me, no one's gonna care about me, and no one would even mind if I just ended it all. 

I stand up, still crying, and walk to the kitchen. I open the cabinet and pull out the sleeping pills. The pain begins to grow, but just as I open the bottle and pour, I hear a knock on the door. I put it down and walk over to the door, opening it. My heart sinks a bit when I realize that it's the really hot neighbor next door.

"Hi, um... I heard you crying, I was wondering if you were okay?" He asks, looking genuinely worried. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say. He raises an eyebrow and I look down.

"Are you alone?"

I nod.

"Okay, listen, I'm gonna be right back. I'm gonna grab a few things, and then I'm gonna be back, okay?"

"Okay," I say quietly, and he smiles, giving me two thumbs up before rushing to his apartment. He stops halfway through.

"Oh, are you allergic to anything? Any food restrictions?" He asks, and I frown, but shake my head. He smiles again and walks inside his apartment. I close the door. I stop for a bit, grabbing a glass cup with my shaky hands from the cupboard. I drop it into the sink on accident when the buzzer fills the air, but luckily it doesn't break or anything. 

I walk back over to the door and open it. He now has a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and two cups of something, and he's smiling wide. 

"I'm back," he tells me, and I step back to let him in. He puts the drinks on the coffee table in the living room, then the blanket on the couch. He's wearing slippers, I'm not wearing anything to protect my feet. 

He walks back over to me, grabs my hands, then stops. My arms are covered in cuts and scars, but that's not the only thing he's looking at.

"Were you gonna take those?" He asks sadly, looking past me. I turn my head. 

"Oh. Yeah. I'll just take them another time," I say, shrugging and walking over to the couch.

"What? No!" Dallon says sadly, rushing over to sit next to me. 

"Why not? I'm not important to anyone. I don't have any friends, any family... I don't have anyone, no one would notice," I explain, but he continues to look sadly. 

"I would notice."

"How? You realize that I haven't been bumping into you every month or so to get mail?"

"I'll have you know, I quite enjoyed the occasional guitar and piano playing. I've fallen asleep to it a few times, too," Dallon tells me, and my face heats up. He grabs the blanket and covers us in it. 

"Why'd you come over?"

"I care about you." 

I shake my head and look down. He wraps his arm around me and places his other hand on my leg. Something shoots through me, something I haven't felt in a long time, and it hits the pit of my stomach.

"I do. I... I've paid attention to little things you do, as creepy as that sounds. Like... how you get frustrated when you play the wrong note over and over to the point that you almost start crying cause it's so stressful and sometimes you do cry, or how you hum a bit, or when you're outside and you just look sad, but once someone gains your attention you fake this... this smile, or how... I don't know, I don't really see you that much," Dallon explains, making me blush more and more. 

"Why do you pay attention to me? I'm nothing special," I tell him again, because it's true. "I'm just your... annoying neighbor who probably looks creepy when he looks at you."

"You look at me?"

"You look at me?" I repeat, and he hums.

"Touché," he says.

"Anyway, I'm not... I don't know, I'm not cool or interesting. I don't have any friends because I get too attached and eventually I accidentally show how clingy I am and then they push me away and hurt me. I'm an orphan, I was abused by my drunk dad until I moved out and he died shortly after, my mom abandoned me, I don't have any siblings, my past friends hate everything about me, and I'm nothing but a... a suicidal loser who will never be loved by anyone, and-"

Dallon doesn't let me continue. 

He places his hand on the side of my face to make me look at him and he presses his soft, pink lips on mine. My face heats up but I allow myself to kiss back, very, very softly moaning on accident. He smiles, hand going to my waist. Mine goes to the side of his face, which slowly makes its way to his very soft brown hair. 

He pulls away, out noses still touching and my entire body heating up because this is the most action anyone's given me in two years. 

"Now, you wanna tell me again that no one loves you?" He asks, but I just lean in again. He hums and kisses me back.

Thank god for hot neighbors.

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