Day 15: Starlight

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Ryan waits patiently for the rings to stop as he sits on the thick wool blanket, staring up at the sky. It stopped snowing but based on the surrounding clouds, it'll start again soon.

The rings stop.

"Hey," Dallon says. Ryan relaxes at the warm voice.

"There was snow falling earlier but the clouds cleared up for this circle of stars."

"It's like the sky opened up just for you."

Ryan hums, both smiling.

"Look at the moon," Dallon says. 

"It's bright. Behind some clouds, but I can see where it is. Like a lost ship at sea," Ryan says.

"No, no, that's... too sad. More like flashlights in a foggy forest, like on a birthday party. Laughter, not... I don't know, not really sad."

"Maybe it's meant to look sad."

"Are you sad?"

There's a long pause. It's true that Ryan's been feeling down recently, and he hasn't admitted it yet. Maybe he should.

"Yeah," Ryan says quietly.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything, I guess. I don't know, everything just feels out of place." Ryan frowns slightly when he hears a small noise. "Are you driving?"

"I'm in a car, yeah," Dallon says, smiling as he looks out the window. 

"Wait, why did you say it looks like flashlights in a forest?" 

"In a foggy forest," Dallon corrects him, then looks at the moon, "I guess it could look sad." 

"No, I mean..." Ryan pulls his phone away from his ear and checks the weather, then brings it back. "It says it's clear in Philadelphia?"

"Oh, I'm not in Philadelphia," Dallon says simply as the car pulls up. He texts Josh, Ryan's roommate, and he comes out almost immediately. Ryan stands in confusion and Josh pulls the bags out of the car. Only two, both pretty light. He brings them inside. Ryan goes to ask who is suddenly staying with them, but Dallon walks up close enough for Ryan to recognize him, and he stops. Dallon hangs up and puts his phone in his pocket. 

Dallon picks him up, swinging him around a bit as they hold each other tightly. 

"Oh my god, you're here," Ryan says.

"I'm here," Dallon repeats. They let go and look at each other. "All these stars and yet your smile shines the brightest."

"Oh, shut up." Ryan pulls him close, gently connecting their lips together. Dallon smiles and kisses back, because there's no place he'd rather be.

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