Day 25: Christmas

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There's always a special first for everything. First time, first date, first snuggle, first kiss, first time waking up in each other's arms, first time waking up on a holiday, it's all so special. It's even more special to Ryan and Dallon when they realized that they'll be waking up on Christmas for the first time since they got married. 

Snow is falling outside, children all waking up and opening presents with their parents, kids playing with their toys, parents snuggling as they drink coffee, it's all the same. This time, however, Ryan and Dallon wake up, holding each other. It's cold, so Dallon pulls another blanket over them. 

"Hi," Ryan says tiredly. Dallon hums. 


"Good morning."

"Good morning." 

They look at each other, tired eyes trying to adjust to the brightness. 

"It's Christmas," Dallon says finally, and Ryan laughs a bit.

"It is." Ryan places his hand on the side of Dallon's neck. "Our first Christmas as a married couple."

"I love you," Dallon says. Ryan smiles and kisses him quickly.

"I love you too," he says, then kisses him again.

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