Day 9: Flowers

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It's day 14. 

This man has officially come in every single day to buy a single flower, and I know exactly why: 

He likes me.

Maybe I'm cute to him, and either way I'm honored. I smile when he walks in smiling and blushing. He's cute and tall and awkward because he's obviously head over heels. 

I think two weeks is enough, so I finally decide enough is enough.

"Tell me, cutie, what's your name?" I ask, and he blushes madly. I write the number and address on the paper and tear it out of the small notepad.

"Um... D-Dallon, Dallon Weekes," he answers as I fold up the paper. 

"Come here, Dallon Weekes, I wanna tell you something," I say. He walks over, and I motion for him to come closer with a single finger. He does. I lean forward and kiss him, smiling slightly. He's shocked, but he kisses back. 

I pull away and put the paper in his shirt pocket. "I think it's gonna be a lot cheaper to get my number than get a flower. Call me and come over to mine tonight, flower boy," I say confidently. 

"O-... Okay," Dallon says, voice cracking slightly. I smile.


"Yeah," he manages. 

"Good," I kiss him quickly, "see you tonight, babe." 

He swallows nervously and nods. 

"Yeah... tonight... okay, um..." He takes out a $5 bill and puts it on the counter. "K-Keep the change, I... uh... I-I'll see you tonight," he says, hurriedly stumbling out, accidentally bumping into a lady. He apologizes and then leaves, and I watch him shake his fists excitedly and mouthing a 'yes' before walking away. I look down at the flower he bought but forgot to grab, laughing a bit more.

He's adorable.

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