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When both of the guys were done with me they told me to get dressed and we went back to the others. I sat down beside Namjoon.

"Can we please go home?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"I don't want to." He said without looking at me.

"Please." I whispered with my tears threatening to fall.

"You can walk home then." Namjoon said and looked at me. I nodded and stood up to leave.

"It was fun. Let's do it again." One of the guys said. I tried to ignore him and hurried out. As soon as I stepped out of the building I fell down and started sobbing.

They had been so cruel and Namjoon didn't care and my wrist hurt so freaking bad.

When I had pulled myself together I called Jungkook.

Jk- hello?
Me- hey kookie!
Jk- y/n? what's worng?
Me- nothing. everything is fine.
Jk- I can hear that it's not.
Me- *voice breaks* can you please come and pick me up?
Jk- of course. where are you?

I told him the adress. Of a nearby park I had seen on the way there.

I started walking slow but sped up as I heard a car coming from behind. As it passed me I let out a huge breath I didnt know I was holding. It wasn't them.

About 30 minutes later I could see Jungkooks car. I had made sure that there were no signs left from me crying. I put on a smile and entered the car.

"Thank you for coming." I said as I buckled my seatbelt.

"Of course." He said and started driving.

"Y/N, please tell me what's wrong." Jungkook said after a few minutes of silence.

"Everything is fine. Stop worrying." I said and forced a smile. I playfully hit him but it ended up being y bad wrist which I magically had forgotten about and now it wasnt as easy to keep the smile.

"Y/N..." He stopped the car at a red light. "You haven't looked at me once since you stepped in. And your hands are violently shaking." He said. I couldn't keep my tears in anymore.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't want to but they..." I started crying even more. It got hard to breathe. Jungkook stopped at the side of the street and pulled me into a tight hug. I broke down completely.
Jungkook managed to pull me over to his seat. He had me sit in his lap as he held me while I cried.

"Its alright, I've got you. Just relax. I'm here." Jungkook gently spoke to me to calm me down and I eventually stopped crying. I was still sitting in Jungkooks lap with my head resting on his shoulder. Jungkook held me tightly against him. After a while he slightly shifted our position so I was almost laying down in his lap with my forehead in the crook of his neck with hi cheek resting on top of my head.

"I don't want to lave you alone in this state. You'll be staying in my apartment with me tonight. Okay?" He was almost whispering. I nodded my head just for Jungkook to notice. His smooth voice was so calming I didn't notice I fell asleep.


I woke up by Jungkook lifting me out of the car.

"I fell asleep." I stated receiving a quiet laugh from Jungkook.

"Mm, I noticed." This answer especially with the quiet and low humming gave me an unfamiliar tingling feeling.

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