6 - SAFE? ✔

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"Jungkook........ save me"

Her voice was weak. She sounded like she was tired, and scared. I heard a door open on the other side of the phone.

"What the hell are you doing with that!?" It was Namjoon's voice. He was angry.

"No No. I'm sorry. I was just making a call. I'll put it away." Y/N said.

"I should punnish you again." Namjoons voice was closer now.

"No please! No more! I don't want to! STOP!" Y/N was screaming. The call ended and my heart was beating faster than ever. I need to get to her. What is he doing to her? I hurried out to the car and drove to Namjoon's house.

I slammed open the door and entered his house. I heard voices from the living room so that's where I went first.

Some guys I've never seen before were sitting on the couch playing games on Namjoon's PlayStation.

"Heeyy duude!" One of the guys said when he saw me. He was clearly drunk. He wanted me to sit down and play with them.

"Where is the girl?" I asked and tried to sound calm so they wouldn't suspect me for anything.

"She's with Joon, Sehun and Kris upstairs." One of them said.

"I guess she's getting some more." Another laughed and the other joined in.

"There's probably room for you too." The first guy said. I hurried up without answering them.

I rushed into a room that was empty. I had never been upstairs before so I had to look threw all rooms before I found the right one.

Y/N was laying pinned down by the other guys as Namjoon were touching her area. I felt ashamed for seeing that but I knew I had to do something. The guys had seen me. They were asking what I was doing there. I didn't answer. I just rushed up to them and pulled Y/N to me. I grabbed a blanket and threw it around her as I quickly led her out. Namjoon and the others were shouting behind me. I just ran with her behind me. We made it out to the car. I pushed her gently inside and ran to the driver seat.

"Put on the seatbelt." I said as I put on mine and started the car. She didn't say a word during the whole ride back home. She was constantly shaking and she had a hard time breathing properly. I thought that making her think about anything else would calm her down.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. She didn't answer.

"Do you remember I told you about my dream?" I asked but she didn't answer this time either.

"I told you that I want to be a singer, right?" I looked at her, no response.

"I've actually made a few covers, if you wanna listen to them sometime." I looked at her again but still no response. She wouldn't stop shaking and her breathing was still the same.


I parked the car and turned it off. I hurried to Y/N's side and opened the door. I grabbed her gently and pulled her out. I leaned her against me and closed the car door. She had a hard time keeping herself standing. Her whole weight was on me. I lifted her up and carried her inside. I laid her down on my bed and pulled the covers over her body.

"I'll leave some clothes for you here so you can get dressed. Do you want me to wait outside?" I said but she didn't seem to hear me.

"Y/N?" I called her name but still no answer. I got more worried. I walked up to her.

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