25 - NJ? ✔

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"Uhm.. I think I like the Pink one the Most." I said and looked between the two dresses.

"Great. Let's get that one then." Jungkook said and grabbed my hand. He pulled me gently behind him towards the cashier. I scanned the store as we stood in line. I saw all these beautiful dresses, beautiful expensive dresses.

"Kookie?" I said and looked up at him.

"Yes baby?" He answered as he met my eyes and flashed his cute bunny smile.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Jungkook looked away from me and his smiled turned into a teasing one.

"You're so curious. You'll see soon." He said. I sighed making him chuckle.

Jungkook made me put on the dress immediately after we left the store. He basically pushed me into a public bathroom. When I was done he took me back to the beach. But this time it was a bit further away.

It had gotten a lot darker and the place was lit up by some big torches.

There was some calm music playing and couples slow dancing in the sand.

"Come on baby." Jungkook said on to my ear and gently pulled me with him towards the dancing people.

Later that night Jungkook brought me back to the hotel for sleep. We had had a lot of fun at the beach, dancing, eating, talking and so on.

In the elevator Jungkook pressed the wrong button and when I pointed it out he just smiled at me so I could sense something was up.

The room Jungkook said was ours, which I knew wasn't, appeared to actually be ours. Confusing?

It was a huge room or more exactly apartment. It had everything, bedroom, kitchen, two bathroom and a big livingroom.

"Kookie... what....?" I said and continued looking around, not that I cold stop even if I wanted to. Jungkook just followed me around as I walked through the rooms over and over.

"I wanted us to be able to relax, for real. We've been trough a lot lately and and now we can take our time to be together. You me and Soojin." He said as he eventually had cought my attention.

"I love you" I said and hugged him tightly. Jungkook broke the hug and lifted my head up too meet his eyes.

"I love you more" he whispered and leaned in to kiss me. I stood up on my tiptoes to connect our lips faster. I threw my arms around his neck to steady myself. Jungkook lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. His lips continued to gracefully move with mine. Without knowing it I was laying on the bed with Jungkook hovering above me. His lips travelled down my jaw to my neck and down to my collarbone as he smoothly undressed me. And for the record we made love, more than once, that night.


The vacation was amazing. We had a lot of fun and also got to just not do anything. We spent much time at the beach. Soojin grew a lot. She learned how to walk and she said her first word, which was daddy. Yeah, I'm a little mad that it wasn't mommy but what should I do? I love her anyways.

Jungkook was sleeping on my shoulder and he held sleeping Soojin in his arms. I took a picture of us all together. My family. I started swiping trough all of the pictures we had taken during this vacation. All of them were on Jungkook and Soojin.

 All of them were on Jungkook and Soojin

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