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I've been so angry, I've tried to publish this chapter several times, different times of the day and then tried the next day and the day after that... but no. It says that it's some kind of problem and to try again later. But FINALLY!!
Enough of me sulking.

Jungkook POV

Our faces were so close. I felt her breath on my face. If I only leaned forward a little or lips would touch. She suddenly pushed me aside and ran away. I then heard her throwing up again. I grabbed a glass of water and quickly entered the bathroom. I pulled away her hair and Stoke her back to make her feel better.


After spending almost two hours in the bathroom I helped her get to bed. She was weak and tired. I got her something to eat to gain some energy back.

I was about to leave when she stopped me.

"Kookie, han you please sleep with me?" She asked. My heartbeat sped up and I got all happy. I nodded to her as I tried to keep my happiness in control.

I laid down beside her. We were facing each other. She was looking at me. I was just laying there doing the same. I loved her scent. I couldn't describe it, it was just her. Some of her hair was covering her cheek and chin. I softly stroke it away. It was like silk. I let my hand rest on her neck as I played with her hair. This was what I'd dreamt of. Having her by my side. Being this close. Just breathing the same air as her. I didn't think i could be happier.

When she fell asleep I was still fully awake. Looking at her, fiddling with her hair, breathing in her scent, listening to her peaceful breathing. I moved a little closer. I carefully pressed my lips against her forehead.

"Stay with me." I whispered to her even tho I knew she couldn't hear me.


I woke up by Y/N jumping of the bed and rushing out. I heard her throwing up again. I just wanted her to become herself again. I hurried to her.

I checked the clock, it was about to be 3 in the morning.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her when she sat back against the wall. She shook her head.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Her voice was weak and she sounded extreamly tired.

"Wait here." I said and stood up. I went back to the bedroom and grabbed the covers and all the pillows, I then got the pillows and blankets from the couch and went back to the bathroom and Y/N. I put everything down in the bathtub and made I look comfortable. I lit some candles and turned off the bright lamp. I then lifted Y/N up and sat her down in my lap in the bathtub. I let her rest on my chest. She was a little cold so I pulled a blanket over our bodies. She fell asleep in just a few minutes. I held her close to me. I was probably enjoying it a little too much.


I woke up in Jungkooks arms. We were still laying in the bathtub. I got happy when I remembered that night. How can someone be this adorable. He for real cared about me. He made me feel loved.

After just a minute Jungkook opened his eyes. He looked at me with his cute smile.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"
He asked. I smiled and nodded.

"I think you should visit the doctor today." He said after a minute. The doctor? I had never been to a doctor. Well except those times when I was really young, but I don't remember that.

"Okay..." I said after a second.

"We should get some food in your stomach." He said and sat up.

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