27 - SAFE? (pt.2) ✔

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Just then I heard a loud "bang!"
I dropped my phone and quickly put soojin in her seat before I rushed after the policemen.

Everything seems to be in slow motion from the moment I slammed shut the car door.

I ran as fast as I could but it felt like I was moving backwards.

As I entered I saw Namjoon being forced down to his knees and getting handcuffed by one of the policemen.

"Where is Jungkook?" I whispered. The other policeman looked at me with sad eyes.

He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead.

"Miss? Miss?" One of the policemen gently shook me.

"He's dead." I heard myself saying and felt tears burning my eyes.

"Miss, he is not dead." The policeman said.

"Yes he is. Don't lie to me please. He's dead." I whispered before I started to cry.

"No miss, he's not dead." The policeman said and gently pushed me further into our home.

"Y/N..." I fell down to my knees and just cried. I felt so relieved.

"Y/N, baby, come here." He said and stretched out his arm towards me.

I crawled to where he was laying on the floor.

"Baby, stop crying. Everything is okay." He said and wiped my wet cheeks with his hand. Just then he started coughing and that made him curl up in pain.

"Shit, someone call the ambulance!" I screamed.

"We're here Miss!" I heard from behind me.

"Please hurry! Something's wrong!" I shouted as I held Jungkook's hand tight in both of mine.

"Calm down baby. It's okay. Just take care of Soojin for now. I don't want her to be scared." He said before he started coughing again.

"But-!" I stopped when Jungkook cried out a heartbreaking sound. He squeezed my hand till it almost broke.

"Jungkook? What's happening!?" I almost shouted. I had totally forgotten the ambulance crew that had started checking on him.

"A gunshot in the kidney area." One of them said and that immediately reminded me of their existence.

"Gunshot! What! Jungkook!" I said loudly.

"Y/N, Soojin." Jungkook breathed out. I could see how much he was hurting on his face. Even his voice sounded painful.

Then it hit me. Soojin was alone in the car! I immediately left my wounded soon to be husband and ran towards my daughter.

A wave of relive washed over me when I saw that she was fully asleep. I didn't know if I should pick her up and return to Jungkook or let her continue sleeping.

I decided to let her sleep so I sat down in the car at the seat beside her. I ended up just staring at her and making sure to remember every beautiful little detail of her face just in case.

I stepped out of the car when I saw the ambulance crew carrying Jungkook on a stretcher. They stopped as soon as they saw me approaching.

"Y/N." Jungkook mumbled and stretched out his hand towards me. I quickly grabbed his hand.

"I love you." He said before the ambulance crew said that they had to hurry to the hospital.

I was still in shock as I drove to Jungkook's parents house. They took me in as one of their own and they absolutely adored Soojin.

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