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We managed to get to the house before sunset.

The house was really beautiful. Jungkook led me around in it and told me about some memories he had from when he was younger.

There were these cute chillout/ living rooms that I really liked.

A pretty big kitchen.

A few bedrooms with different styles.

And a really amazing bathroom. It was so odd but at the same time so beautiful.


Jungkook and I took the things from the car and into our bedroom. We also filled the kitchen with the food we took with us.

"Hey, baby! Hurry up! We have to go down to the beach and watch the sunset!" Jungkook came rushing and shouting from the bedroom.

"I have just a little left." I said and continued to put the food in place.

"Let me help you." He said and hurriedly picked up and put away the groceries.

"Come on!" He said and grabbed my hand the second we were done. I couldn't help but laugh a little at his cuteness.

He pulled me out of the house and down to the beach. The sun was just about to meet the water.
The sky was changing colour to pink and orange.

I walked closer to the water where the soft waves were going back and forth over the light sand.

The colours of the sun and sky were reflecting in the water making it even more beautiful.

I heard something from behind me so I turned around. I saw Jungkook with his camera. He often brought it with him but I rarely saw him taking photos.

"What are you doing?" I asked and walked up to him.

"Wanna see?" He said and motioned to the camera. I nodded.

He showed me the pictures he had taken and I noticed that it was on me.

"It's me." I said and took the camera to look closer.

"Yeah, I have more." He said and flipped through even more photos, all on me.

"All of them is me?" I asked and looked at him. He nodded.

"Yeah. I've taken photos of you since a while back." He said.

"Why?" I asked and gave him the camera back.

"Well as memories... and you are beautiful." He said and I think he blushed, I know I did.


We walked back to the house. We made some food before we went to bed. We both were really tired from all the travelling.

I pulled her closer to me and buried my face in her hair. I loved her smell. She let out a breath and relaxed. I let my hands slide under her t-shirt and trace her stomach. Her hands reached mine and our fingers intertwined. I let my hands rest on the small bump as I fell asleep.


I woke up by a sound. It soon got clearer.

"KOOKIE! KOOKIE! KOOKIE! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Y/N shouted as she entered the room and climbed up on the bed. She shook me as she continued to say my nickname.

I opened my eyes and looked at her. She had a big smile and sparkling eyes.

"Hmm...??" I moaned.

"It kicked! I was cooking breakfast and I felt it kick!" She said loudly. I emidiatly got wide awake.

"For real??" I asked and lightly grabbed her arms. She nodded and her eyes got a bit teary.

"Oh my gosh" I breathed out as I pressed my lips onto hers.


Jungkook pressed his lips against mine. His hands smoothly snaked his arms around me so he could pull me towards him. He gently laid me down and deepened the kiss.

"I love you" he mumbled against my lips as he continued to kiss them.

His lips were soft like always. His hands slowly travelled up under my shirt over my stomach down my side and up again to lightly run over my bra.

I felt his wet tounge run over my lips. I slightly opened my mouth to let him in.

He climbed over me and let his hand slide under my bra. His fingers were hot and soft against my skin.

His kisses moved from my lips to my jaw and then circled over my neck.

His free hand grabbed mine and held it next to my head. He intertwined our fingers as he continued to kiss me and softly massage one of my breasts.

I let my free hand trace his back and slide under his shirt.

He started to suck at a spot right below my jaw. I felt a rush go trough my body and I got all warm.

After a second I pulled his shirt over his head. He immediately connected his lips to mine as we got the shirt off.

He did the same with mine And then let his lips trace down my neck again and to my collarbone, where he stopped and softly bit. A low moan left my lips before I knew it.

My fingers traced his body. From his shoulder to his lower back just above the hem of his underwear to his chest and down over his abs.

Just as I touched his lower stomach he let out a similar sound to mine.

He continued to kiss down my chest, outlining my bra and down my stomach.

He smoothly took my sweatpants off and quickly reconnected our lips.

I let my fingers discover his body again. Down the back, over the chest, between his abs and reaching the hem of his underwear.

Without disconnecting our lips, Jungkook grabbed my hand and guided it to touch his bulge.

It felt...strange to touch his private part. Despite that I continued to Discover him. And he clearly enjoyed it.

He managed to unhook my bra and I let him remove it. I didn't have time to feel ashamed or shy.

He quickly let his lips touch my undressed chest. I, again let a moan slip between my lips.

He started yo suck on my nipple and I took a deep inhale.

Just as I did that, I noticed a smell.


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