22 - BABY ✔

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I heard screaming and then I got her on my chest and she became quiet.

It was all so unreal. She was laying on my chest and grabbing my finger as I gave it to her.

"You did it baby. You are amazing." Jungkook said and kissed my forehead. He gently let his fingertips trace the features of our daughter.

"She's beautiful." He whispered. I agreed but didn't have the power to say anything.

"You can sleep baby. You've done well. Rest a little." Jungkook said and stroke away my hair from my face.

When I woke up I heard singing. As I looked to my left I saw Jungkook walking around in the room with her in his arms. He was singing for her.

"Kookie" I said with a raspy voice. He looked up at me with a big smile. I stretched out my hand telling him to come to me.

"How is she?" I asked. He showed me her. She was sleeping in his arms.

"You are amazing baby." Jungkook said and looked deep into my eyes.

"I love you." I said and pulled him to kiss me. The baby suddenly started crying. Jungkook tilted her so she could see me.

"Look SooJin, mommy's awake." Jungkook said and handed me her. I stroke her soft cheek with my finger. She was so beautiful.

"Shes probably hungry." I said. And looked at Jungkook.

"Yeah" Jungkook said and continued looking at her.

"Hello?" I said and gestured towards the door.

"Oh, come on Y/N. I've already seen you giving birth. Nothing is more intimate than that." He said and sat down on a chair beside the bed.

"Fine." I sighed. I unbuttoned the top bottons of my top and put Soojin in place for her to eat like the nurses showed me earlier.

"So... When is she getting a sibling?" Jungkook said jokingly and smile at me.

"Oh shut up!" I said and gently hit his arm. We both laughed.

Jungkook leaned in and pressed his lips onto my forehead. He then lowered his head so we were face to face.

"I love you soooo much." He said and kissed me before I could say it back.


"Kookie?" I called for him and a second later I heard him from Soojin's bedroom.

He was showing her around in her new home

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He was showing her around in her new home.. even tho she was mostly looking at him. I quietly walked up to them and hugged him from behind.

"I couldn't wish for anyone else that could ever be a better dad to my baby." I said and hugged him tighter. He turned around and grabbed me with his free arm and pulled me closer to him.

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