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"We'll leave if you kiss me." Jungkook said and looked at me. My face got hot and with that I saw Jungkooks smile grow.

I quickly connected our lips before I moved back. He looked at me with a wide smile.

"A kiss, baby, not a peck." He said and my face defenatly got bright red this time. He sat up and pulled me with him. He sat me in his lap.

"Oh, come on. Let's just go." I said and looked down shyly.

"No no no. Kiss first." He said and tapped his lips. I sighed and looked up at him. I gently placed my hands on his cheeks and pressed my lips against his.

He seemed a little shocked that I actually did it but he soon wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer as he answered my kiss.

Jungkook licked my bottom lip asking for entrance but I pulled back.

"No. Go, now." I said with a determined voice and stood up. I heard Jungkook sigh and then chuckle.

As I was about to exit, Jungkook grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a short kiss. He kept his face close to mine and whispered:

"I love you." His voice was a bit raspy.

"I love you too." I whispered back.


In the car I felt the nervousness come back. My body told me that this was wrong but my head told me that I should do this for Jungkook.

The further away from home we got the more 'wrong-feeling' I got. I started to think that this was a bad idea. I didn't know who was gonna be there and what they could do. What if Namjoon was there?

Jungkook grabbed my hand and all my attention turned to him.

"Calm down." He said and showed a little soft smile.

"I'm scared." I whispered. Jungkooks grip on my hand tightened. He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it.

"Don't be. I'll be with you the whole time. Just tell me if something feels wrong. We'll go home if it gets to much. Okay?" He said and I relaxed a little.

"Thank you Kookie." I said.


Jungkook parked the car outside a house with many trees and flowers.

"We're here." He said and turned off the car.

"Let's go inside." He said and opened his car door.

Jungkook waited for me to go around the car and as soon as came closer he held out his hand to me. I grabbed it and he intertwined our fingers.

"Don't worry, I'm right here." He said and kissed my hand.

We walked side by side up to the front door. Jungkook didn't knock, he just opened the door and went inside.

The house was filled with people in the ages between like 7 to 70.

A woman approached us. Jungkook immediately took a step forward so he was low-key hiding me a little.

"Jungkook!" The woman said loudly and hugged Jungkook.

"Hey mum!" Jungkook said.

"Oh, this is Y/N, right?" The woman said and looked at me.

"Yes. Y/N this is my mother." Jungkook said and looked at me with his soft eyes. I bowed to the woman but got pulled into a hug. I wasn't ready and a didn't feel comfortable with her hug either. I just didn't want anyone to touch me, except for Jungkook.

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